P. 44


           no academic background. Mr Shashi Ranjan is an executive officer under the
           program  representing  the  Andhra  Pradesh  Region  and  is  posted  in
           Vishakhapatnam. He was entrusted with the responsibility to execute the
           training covering maximum regions and maximum people employable. Mr
           Shashi had got his team and divided across major regions in the state. He had
           a very cooperative team and team was always awestruck by the leadership of
           Mr  Shashi  Ranjan.  This  was  because  he  followed  an  approach  to  lead  by
           example. He worked the extra hour to ensure perfection. Apart from this Mr
           Shashi Ranjan is seen going from one training location to another to motivate
           the people who are undertaking the training under this program. Also, he is
           very dedicated and committed  to render public service by any and every
           means possible.

            Officer Like Qualities      Relevance to the mentioned story
            Effective Intelligence   The assessment carried out to identify the areas
                                  where the program would be directed shows this
            Reasoning Ability     There is a rational understanding of the problem
                                  statement. Hence it leads to understanding the
                                  gravity of skill development
            Power of Expression   The story maintains clarity and discussed more
                                  from  superlative  Central  government  point  of
                                  view  and  the  execution  of  various  tasks  by  an
            Self Confidence       MR Shashi is very confident in his undertakings
                                  and is driven by purpose
            Determination         He is determined to eradicate the problem and
                                  ensure  maximum  people  get  skilled  under  this
            Organizing Ability    He is very organized with the resources and also
                                  with the team that he is having.
            Initiative            As a leader he takes the initiative to personally
                                  attend  multiple  areas  and  deliver  motivational
                                  lectures to those who are taking training under
                                  the program
            Courage               Doing  all  this  at  an  individual  level  and  also
                                  carrying out the attitude to serve needs courage
                                  as it is accompanied without any expectation.

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