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Sense of This trait is seen at its highest order. He has a deep
Responsibility sense of responsibility that no further accidents
and delay in responses should happen.
Stamina To work towards a solution after identifying a
problem it takes persistent efforts. Hence this trait
is also seen here
Group Influencing Sohan introduces his idea to the principal and then
Ability further to more authorities and they getting
convinced by it shows that sohan had a group
influencing ability.
Liveliness This trait is like an emerging trait within this
Social Adaptability This trait is seen in its development stage in the
main character Sohan.
Picture 12 - Story 1:
The picture represents a staff room scene of a government school in
Gulbarga. Teaching profession is one of the most self-less professions
indulged in shaping the future of the nation. The Government schools not
only provide the teaching part but also monitors the mid-day meal to the
children. It is the occasion
of Children’s day and the
teachers are busy
preparing for the day. The
© SSBCRACK chief guest for the
occasion is Dr Aman
Goenka who happens to
be the District Magistrate
of the district. On the D
day in the speech Dr
Aman goenka mentioned
how he came from a
village and the hardships
that he had to undergo. The children were very attentive to his words and
probably were connecting well to their present day lives. At that outset, Dr
Aman gave an outline of the various career options one can choose. Also, he
immediately ordered for a built-up space for a library. The teachers were very
relieved to have invited such a person who himself has grown from the roots.
Before Departing, Dr Aman gave words of wisdom on the importance of
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