P. 50
Determination They are determined to display their best in all
fronts irrespective of whatever the front might be.
Organizing Ability The friends are organized in their lives owing to a
discipline lifestyle.
Initiative They are self starters and proactively participate in
the various events
Courage The fact that they are proactive involves the
element of courage.
Cooperation This trait is also seen here amongst the friends.
Sense of They have a sense of responsibility towards the
Responsibility juniors
Stamina Their involvement in sports and balanced
approach towards everything shows their stamina
Group Influencing This can also be seen as they themselves are a part
Ability of group as well their ability to interact with
Liveliness They are lively in spirt and are willing to participate
in all fronts
Social Adaptability Their way of intermixing with all people shows this
Picture 13 - Story 1:
Citizen empowerment is the modern way of mitigating crime. Educating the
citizens on various fronts like swimming, basic hand to hand combat, quick
response to an accident scenario etc serve great help. Alleppey, Kerala is a
tourist place of prime
importance attracting lots of
travelers across the country as
© SSBCRACK well as the world. The Kerala
state police carried out a
phased based training for the
villages in and around Kerala.
This move was effected as
most of the trade practices
were carried out in the
backwaters and there were
situations of extortion by fisherboats, drowning etc. The move was welcomed
with grace and witnesses a huge participation especially from the youth. In
the hand to hand combat training, a dummy situation was given where the
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