P. 38
Liveliness The friends are lively in spirit and wait till they
console the family members.
Social Adaptability This trait is also present here in multiple places in
the story
Picture 9 - Story 1:
Suresh Jagannath was a 1 year student studying in Bachelors of Science from
the Madras institute of Technology. Suresh has been ever active volunteer for
many occasions in his college
within the least span of time.
During his schooling, he was
also a part of the National
Cadet Corps which groomed
his personality to a great
© SSBCRACK extent. Academically Suresh
was very sound and in the
field of sports he was a
competitive runner and
basketball player. He also had
a profound interest in playing
the keyboard. As a cultural initiative, students from the Madras institute of
technology were divided into batches and were allotted regions whereby they
would go and make a project on the cultural niche. The bachelors of science
group got the region of Rajasthan and the topic was ancient weaponry. By
gravity of Suresh’s enthusiasm and exposure over various activities, he was
appointed as the trip lead where he would be assisting the professors and
leading the group of 30 students in the Region. On reaching, Suresh
immediately suggested to cover the Jaivana i.e Jaigarh fort that houses the
largest cannon gun in India. Professors were very impressed by Suresh’s
leadership and the students were awestruck to witness the largest cannon.
Officer Like Qualities Relevance to the mentioned story
Effective Intelligence This trait is visible here from the understanding
that Suresh had a multitude of experiences
across travelling and he was allowed to lead up.
His suggestion of the fort was welcomed and was
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