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it has been selected for quality inspection for the Cyber team. It was a proud
moment for Arnab as well as the Institute.
Officer Like Qualities Relevance to the mentioned story
Effective Intelligence This story shows this trait in the lead character as
he understands the problem statements and
focusses on a permanent solution towards it
Reasoning Ability The character has a clear vision which is practical
in dimension
Power of Expression The story is clear about the sequence of events
leading one to another with proper fact-based
Self Confidence The hero in the story is confident and believes that
his work will bear results.
Determination Arnab has a strong sense of determination
towards leading from the front.
Organizing Ability Arnab is well organized by his resources and his
way of life. He understands the availability of
resources and makes judicious use of them
Initiative He is a self-starter and single handedly took the
initiative for designing the solution to one of the
problem of cybercrime.
Courage Arnab is courageous about his approach
Cooperation This trait can also be seen as the character has
been cooperative with all authorities
Sense of This trait is strongly mentioned here as he
Responsibility understands his sense of responsibility to mitigate
the nature of crime.
Stamina These kinds of research oriented work need lot of
stamina and endurance to withstand repeated
attempts as one approach might not work from
the other.
Group Influencing This trait is also seen as the character gives a
Ability presentation first with inhouse college authorities
and then to the authorities in University level
along with a senior officer from the Cyber Cell.
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