P. 93
Effective Intelligence The understanding of factual data and preventing
others from getting into exorbitant pricing shows
this trait
Reasoning Ability The understanding of the fact that many people
fall in incorrect expenses while making trips.
Hence educating them will solve this problem.
Power of Expression The story is vocal about the interest of travel
blogging and tourism of the main character and
how the person takes it in the spirit of hobby
Self Confidence The interactive ability and other decision-making
parts show the confidence of the character.
Determination This trait is also visible from the story as described
by the character’s intent.
Organizing Ability The character is well organized in his planning and
actions. At multiple points in the story we can see
this trait
Initiative The idea to make a start towards educating others
in this subject was the sole initiation of the
Courage We see this trait indirectly present in the story as
in every decision making there is a spec of courage
Cooperation This trait doesn’t find much presence here but still
by inbuilt qualities of his friends finding him
favorite shows it.
Sense of The main character understands his sense of
Responsibility responsibility towards educating the people about
corrective expenses and proper utilization.
Stamina The trait is seen here at all the places as the
character takes out time and effort to go ahead
and survey out the expenses.
Group Influencing The interactive ability that the character had with
Ability his friends shows this trait. Later it went on a much
larger scale.
Liveliness The character has a live spirit and takes a go on
approach to assess the expenses as evident from
the story.
Social Adaptability This trait is also clearly present in the story here
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