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P. 268
SSB | 259
Acceptable Answer, Sir, the first spark I made in B.Sc. IInd year enhancing from 55 to 65% in III
year following the representation of inter university in Badminton with two second and one first prizes.
In debate I made a mark at university level. The very Ist competition was CDSE which I have qualified
and now I am before you for joining the services.
Interpretation :—Your honest answer will support your gesture, body language, tone, eye contact,
confidence and it will not create any gap for the interview officer to grill you. Honesty requires
admission and confession of the same thing.
Questions related to your emotional Quotients or emotional intelligence or the
emotional stability
President :—Gaurav, your sister is two years younger than you. Don’t you fight with her ? Gaurav,
on what occasion your mother gets annoyed on you ? Gaurav, how much and how long have you been
closed to your English teacher Miss Sunder Rani Kulkarni ? Tell me, how often she calls or remembers
you for special assignments ? And how have you been performing ? Gaurav, you have been in co-
education is it so ? Yes Sir; please tell me how many girls have been there in your class ? Out of all,
with how many you have been in talking terms ? What were all those issues which encouraged the
conversation to be initiated and prolonged ? And finally, how many girl friends you do have ? with
whom you are close ? And why ? what qualities you prefer in her ? Often what do you talk ? Do you
miss any commitment of her ? or vis-a-vis, then how she or you react ? How do you patch-up ? How
you restore your promises ? And Gaurav, one question I forgot to ask that is; Don’t you have a bhabhi ?
Gaurav, bhabhies are not generally in favour of Devars. How you adjust with your Bhabhi ? On what
issues disagreement and agreement often arise and how you cope with that ?
Interpretation :—Emotional stability is one of the job requirement and is the demand of the
defence forces. It is also one of the major point in seven selection determinants and also it is
instrumental in OLQs (Officer Like Qualities). Interview officer is not interested in your personal
affairs rather he is under obligation to render professional justice to his profession.
Remedies :—please answer the questions related to your emotions the way they have happened ?
representing your same feelings with which you were emotionally influenced ? Gaurav please take my
words again and again, there should not be any difference or gap between the feelings you had and
feelings you are revealing before the interview officer. This difference makes your answers fall under
the impression management or defence mechanism.
There should not be any jump cut between questions and answers :—A question must be a
question it should not be something else, similarly an answer should be an answer and it should not
amount to something else. An answer being something else invites other questions.
What answer will amount to jump cut ?
President :—Gaurav, a boy is drowning in a river how will you save him ?
Candidate :—Sir, I will jump and save him.
Interpretation :—This is jump cut answer. The logical method is there should be How ? Between
question and answer. The following explanation will illustrate it.
Explanation with examples :—Gaurav, your answer
lacks the ‘How ?’ aspect which invites Means &
Methods’. It will further denote adequate deployment,
proper and intelligent application of the resources. Gaurav
your answer should be like this : sir, I will plung into the
river, rush to the spot by swimming, catch hold the boy
and bring him to the bank. (If you know swimming). IInd
answer when you do not know swimming. Sir, I will take
a bamboo, enter into the water, loudly ask the boy to
catch the bamboo. If President says there is no bamboo,
then Gaurav you say, sir, I will find a rope, he says there is no rope, then Gaurav you say, sir I will take
out my clothes will ask others for the same. He again says tieing cloth together does not form a length
which could be sufficient to pull the boy back. Then Gaurav you say, Sir I will ask the on lookers to
form the human chain and bring the boy back.