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                   Therefore, saying made sisters and fulfilling the emotions of girl friends will not have sound logic to
                   stand. Sanjive; you should have been natural and truthful to the Interviewing officer, like this, Sir, I
                   wanted to make them my girl friend. Since, they did not have confidence in me so, I established the
                   confidence in making them my made sisters. When I gained confidence in them & vice-a-versa I started
                   enjoying friendship with them, calling them in my room and going in restaurants and at picnic spots etc.
                      Explanation :—Sanjive, the way you answered the relationship of made sisters, neither did it
                   reveal the natural feeling and emotions of a sister nor of a girl friend. Even it did not have any
                   sentiments with the content of words, by your gesture, body language, eye contact, facial index and
                   your pitch of the responses. Had they been your made sisters, you would have answered about closing
                   the door with the actual reasons. Since, you had something and you wanted to answer something else,
                   therefore the interviewing officer seeing the nature of your responses occupied himself with doubt and
                   posed questions to bring the cards on the table. Specific question and specific answers by the successful
                      Candidates :—Name of the Candidate Mr. Kapil Mishra, Now he is Sqn. Ldr. He attempted 11 +1
                   = 12 TAT, 45 WAT but was only able to attempt 25 SRTs since he was interviewed earlier to the
                   psychological testing therefore nothing was asked about the incomplete SRTs. He knew very well that
                   he may face the music in the conference for the incomplete SRTs. He was asked ‘5’ SRTs during
                   conference by the president of the Selection Board, the most important SRTs, I am citing which invited
                   the specific answer by Kapil Mishra.
                      President :—Kapil, why you have not completed the SRTs.
                      Candidate :—Sir, I am a slow writer.
                      President :—Your father is in Nagaland with Intelligence Department, is it so ?
                      Candidate :—Yes Sir,
                      President :—Kapil,    you    are    returning    from
                   Nagaland and landed to Charbag Rly, Station. You
                   hear an announcement of ‘Section 144’ followed by
                   communal riots. No passenger is allowed to move from       ¥[u˜
                   the Railway Station and you don’t have money, what
                   will you do ?
                      Candidate :—Sir, I will ask the Station Master to
                   lend some money and wait on the station till curfew
                   gets over.
                      President :—Station master has refused.
                      Candidates :—Sir, I will come out from the station
                   till the extend I am permitted and will look for the
                   district authorities passing through. On finding them,
                   I will introduce and narrate my problem and will get a
                      President :—Kapil, Curfew is being followed by shoot-at-site order. The District authorities
                   have stopped issuing the passes.
                      Candidate :—Sir, I will wait at Railway Station itself, will interact with the people waiting
                   there managing my food etc with them till curfew is relaxed.
                      President :—-Kapil, won’t you walk taking the side through railway line.
                      Candidates :—Sir, you want me to walk in curfew affected areas ? will you Sir ? The entire
                   board smiled and allowed the boy  to go. To the best of my knowledge and experience and asking
                   the boy to display the same answer with the same gesture, body language, appearance, facial
                   index and pitch of the urge. I can confirm that the entire interview and finally the last answer
                   which I have underlined had he support of emotion and feelings. Here again the saying that be
                   positive, honest and natural responses bear the testimony of this fact. For IInd example, I am citing
                   Major Susmit Banerjee who is Major in Armoured. Whose complete detail I have already given in the
                   chapter, “Do you have it in You ?. “He has it in him.” He approached me for NDA but could not make
                   the grade. He again approached me for CDS but got himself bounced from the selection center central
                   Bhopal. In the third attempt with due course of time he departured for Allahabad by Triveni Express.
                   This train carries daily passengers who used to travel on monthly passes. Susmit Banerjee was
                   accompanied with another aspirant, ‘a candidate of my academy’. One of the daily passenger sat beside
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