Page 125 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 125

Eligibility Test                                                                                    121
            (i)  be at least 30 years and not more than 35 years as on   HR.  He has scored 62%  marks  in graduation  and
                1. 3. 2012                                           58% marks in the selection process.
            (ii)  have scored at least 60% marks in graduation in any   28.  Alok Verma was born on 4  March 1976. He has
                discipline                                           been working in the Personal Department of an
            (iii)  have scored at least 65% marks in the Postgraduate   organization for the past six years after completing his
                Degree/Diploma in Personnel Management/HR            post-graduation  Diploma  in  Personal  Management
            (iv)  have post-qualification experience of at least five years   with 66% marks. He has scored 57% marks in the
                in the Personnel/HR Department of an organization.   selection process and 63% marks in graduation.
            (v)  have  scored at least 50% marks in the selection   29.  Swapan  Ghosh has been working in the Personal
                process.                                             Department of an organization for the past five
                                                                     years after completing his post-graduation degree in
            In the  case of a candidate  who satisfies all  the above
            conditions except                                        HR with 72% marks. He has scored 56% marks in
                                                                     graduation. He was born on 12  May 1977. He has
            (a) (ii), but has scored at least 55% marks in graduation   scored 58% marks in the selection process.
            in any discipline and at least 70% marks in post graduate
            degree/Diploma in Personnel Management/HR, the case   30.  Seema Behl has been  working in the Personal
            is to be referred to GM – HR                             Department of an organization for the past seven
            (b) (iv), but has post – qualification work experience of at   years after completing her post-graduation Diploma
            least four years, out of which at least two years as Deputy   in Personal Management with 70% marks. She was
            Manager – HR, the case is to be referred to President –   born on 5  July 1979. She has scored 65% marks in
            HR.                                                      graduation and 50% marks in the selection process.
                                                                 Directions (Qs. 31-40): Study the following information
            In each question below, details of one candidate are given.
            You have to take one of the following courses of action   carefully and answer the questions which follow:
            based on the information  provided  and  the conditions   A research institute is recruiting a librarian to digitize its
            and sub – conditions given above and mark the number   information  resources, among  other  duties.  Candidates
            of that course of action as your answer. You are not to   must possess, the following criteria. The candidate must
            assume anything  other than the information provided                     [Oriental Bank of Commerce (PO)]
            in each question. All these cases are given to you as on   (i)  Be not less than 35 years and not exceed 40 years as
            1. 3. 2012.                                              on 01. 11. 2009
            Mark Answer (1) if the candidate is not to be selected   (ii)  Have a Bachelor’s Degree in Library and Information
            Mark Answer (2) if the data provided are not adequate    Science with 65% marks
            to take a decision                                   (iii)  Have a Ph.D in Library Science
            Mark Answer (3) if the case is to be referred to President   (iv)  Have post qualification experience of at least 4 years
            – HR                                                     in a University Library
            Mark Answer (4) If the case is to be referred to GM – HR  However, if the candidate  fulfills the above mentioned

            Mark Answer (5) If the candidate is to be selected.  criteria except
            26.  Rita  Bhatta  was born  on 25  July  1978. She  has   (a) at (II) above, but has a UGC NET certification with all
                scored 62% marks in graduation  and 65% marks    the other above criteria fulfilled, he/she may be referred
                in Postgraduate Diploma  in Management.  She has   to the Dean.
                been working for the past six years in the Personal   (b) at (IV) above but all the eligibility  criteria  are met
                Department of an organization after completing her   and the candidate has at least one year’s experience in
                post-graduation. She has scored 55% marks in the   a research institute, he/she  may be offered contractual
                selection process.                               appointment for a year.
            27.  Ashok Pradhan  was born on 8  August 1980. He   Based on the above criteria, study carefully whether
                has been working in the Personal Department of an   the following candidates are eligible for the recruitment
                organization for the past four years after completing   process and mark your answer as follows. You are not to
                his post-graduation Degree in Personal Management   assume anything other than the information provided in
                with 67%. Out of his entire experience, he has been   each question.
                working for the past two years as Deputy Manager-  All cases are given to you as on 1. 11. 2009
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