Page 124 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 124

120                                                                                          Eligibility Test
                He has secured 58% marks in  the graduation  and   18.  Vaishali Shetty has been a librarian at STS University
                52% marks in the selection process. He was born on   since 2007  when she qualified  in the UGC NET
                14 February 1972.                                    examination.  She  has a degree in  Library and
            Directions (Qs.16- 25): Study the following information   Information  Science  with 60%. Her  first job was
            carefully and answer the questions which follow:         as junior librarian at TRP Institute of Development
            A research institute is recruiting  librarian  to digitize its   Research from October 2000 to December 2001.
            information  resources among  other  duties. Candidates   19.  Vivek Jha has a Ph.D in Library and Information
            must possess the following criteria. The candidate must  Science. He graduated in Library and Information
                                    [Punjab and Sind Bank (PO)]      Science in 1992  with 65%.  He was  born on
            (i)  be not less than 35 years and not exceed 40 years as   1.10.1974. Since July 2005, he has been working as
                                                                     Deputy Librarian at a deemed University.
                on 01. 11. 2009
            (ii)  have a Bachelor’s Degree in Library and Information   20.  A graduated in Library Science with 69 per cent, Dr
                                                                     M.Puri has been working at Ranchi University for a
                Science with 65% marks                               4 years as Deputy Librarian. She earned her doctorate
            (iii)  have a Ph.D in Library Science                    while working for the Labour Research Institute for 5
            (iv)  have  a post qualification experience  of at least 4   years as Assistant Librarian. She is 38 years old as on
                years in a University Library.                       the required date.
            However, if the candidate  fulfills the above mentioned   21.  Megha  Vaidya has a graduate  degree in Library
            criteria except                                          Science from Punjab University where she has been
            (a) (ii), but has a UGC NET certification with all the other   a librarian for past 5 years. In 2002 she has obtained
            above criteria fulfilled, he/she  may be  referred to  the   UGC NET qualification at the age of 29. She obtained
            Dean.                                                    72% in graduation.
            (b) (iv),  but all  the eligibility  criteria  are met and  the   22.  Anup  Gupta is obtaining  his Ph.D from YCM
            candidate has at least one year’s experience in a research   University, where he has been Junior Librarian since
            institute, he/she may be offered contractual appointment   2004. He qualified in the UGC NET exam in June
            for a year.                                              2000. He has a degree in Library and Information
            Based on the above criteria, study carefully whether     Science with 62%. His date of birth 17. 10. 1973
            the following candidates are eligible for the recruitment   23.  Kirit Shukla obtained her doctorate and Bachelor’s
            process and mark your answer as follows. You are not to   degree from Patna University. She obtained 63% in
            assume anything other than the information provided in   graduation. She obtained her UGC NET qualification
            each question. All cases given to you as on 1. 11. 2009.  in 1998 when she was 26
            Mark Answer 1) if he/she is to be shortlisted        24.  Prakash Sinha has been a librarian for a government
            Mark answer 2) if he/she is not to be shortlisted        institute for three years. Prior to this. He was a
            Mark answer 3) if he/she should be referred to the Dean  University Librarian for 7 years after completing his
                                                                     Ph.D in Library Science. He graduated in 1991 with
            Mark answer 4) if she/ he may be offered contractual     68% in Library Science. He is exactly 40 years of age
            appointment, if required                                 on the specified date.
            Mark answer 5) if the data provided is inadequate to   25.  Rohan Sachdev obtained his UGC NET qualification
            take a decision                                          after his graduation in 1998 when he began working.
            16.  Anil  Rath  has  a  doctorate  in  Library  Science  from            He has  been  Assistant Librarian  for the  past two
                Karnataka University in 2003. Born on July 21, 1969,   years with a research institute. He obtained  65%
                he graduated in Library and information Science      in his graduation in Library Science. He earned his
                from Karnataka University, where he was  Assistant   Ph.D in Library Science in 2007. His date of birth is
                Librarian for four Years since 2005.                 22. 10. 1974.
            17.  Dr Samir Bali has a Ph.D Library Science and has   Directions (Qs. 26-30): Study the following information
                been with the Institute of Fundamental Research as   carefully and answer the questions given below.
                Assistant Librarian since October 2008. He graduated
                with a degree in Library and Information  Science   Following are the conditions for selecting Manger – HR in
                in 1994 at the age of 22. He obtained 70% in his   an organization:    [IBPS (CWE) Specialist Officers]
                graduation.                                      The candidate must
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