Page 119 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 119
Eligibility Test 115
Mark answer (1) if the candidate is to be selected 8. Mita Keswani has been working in the Marketing
Mark answer (2) if the candidate is not to be selected Division of an organization for the past eleven years
Mark answer (3) if the data provided are inadequate to after completing her post- graduation. She has
take a decision secured 62% marks in the selection process and
Mark answer (4) if the case is to be referred to the GM 70% marks in graduation. She was born on 2
November 1978.
– Sales 9. Jayant Sahu has secured 52% marks in the selection
Mark answer (5) If the case is to be referred to the VP process and 72% marks in graduation. He has been
- Sales working for the past twelve years in the Marketing
1. Joseph D’ Souza was born on 18 February 1979. division of a company after completing his post-
He has secured 60% marks in both graduation and graduation in Marketing Management. He was born
55% marks in the selection process. He has been on 19 March 1972.
working for the past six years as Manager-Sales in 10. Seema Mahajan was born on 12 July 1973. She has
an organization after completing his post- graduate
diploma in Sales Management. secured 56% marks in the selection process. She has
been working in the Sales Division of an organization
2. Mohan Das was born on 25 March 1976. He has for the past thirteen years after completing her post-
secured 60% marks in both graduation and 55% graduate degree Sales Management. She has secured
marks in the selection process. He is a first-class post 59% marks in graduation.
graduate degree holder in Management. He has been
working for the last eight years in the sales division of Directions (Qs. 11-15): Study the following information
an organization. carefully and answer the questions given below: Following
are the conditions for selecting System Manager in an
3. Kalpesh Mehta was born on 16 February 1970. He organization: [RBI Grade B Officer]
has secured 68% marks in graduation and 58% marks
in the selection process. He has been working for the The candidate must
past six years as Manager-sales in an organization (i) be a graduate engineer in IT, Computer Science or
after completing his post- graduate diploma in Sales. Electronics with at least 60% marks.
4. Abhinav Shukla has secured 62% mark in the (ii) be at least 30 years and not more than 40 years as on
graduation and 58% marks in the selection process. 1. 9. 2009.
He has been working in the Marketing Division of (iii) have secured at least 40% marks in the written
a company for the past nine years after completing examination
his post- graduate diploma in Marketing with 55% (iv) have secured at least 50% marks in the selection
marks. He was born on 5 Aug. 1974. interview
5. Akash Malhotra Vohra was born on 6 Apirl 1975. (v) have post – qualification work experience of at least
He has working in the sales division of a Company for 10 years in systems department of an organization
the past ten years after completing his post- graduate
diploma. In Marketing Management. He has secured In the case of a candidate who satisfies all the conditions
65% marks in graduation and 56% marks in the EXCEPT
selection process. (a) at (i) above, but has secured at least 60% marks in
6. Pravin Vohra was born on 2 July 1972. He has ME – IT or Computer Science, the case is to be referred
working in the sales division of an organization for to DGM – Systems
the past ten years after completing his post- graduate (b) at (v) above, but has post – qualification experience of
degree in Sales Management with 50% marks. He at least five years as Deputy Systems Manager, the case is
has secured 68% marks in graduation and 50% to be referred to the GM – Systems.
marks in the selection process. In each question below details of one candidate are given.
7. Meena Srivastava has been working in the Sales You are to take one of the following courses of action based
Division of an organization for the past twelve years on the information and the conditions and sub-conditions
after completing her post- graduate degree Sales given above and mark the number of that course of action
Management with 65% marks. She has secured 58% as the answer. You are not to assume anything other than
marks in graduation and 57% marks in the selection the information provided in each case. All these cases are
process. She was born on 12 May 1976. given to you as on 01. 09. 2009