Page 121 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 121

Eligibility Test                                                                                    117
                Management.  He  has working as  Deputy Finance   25.  Navin Shukla has secured 60% marks in graduation
                Manager in an organization for the past four years   and 64% marks in postgraduate diploma in Finance
                after completing his post-graduate diploma. He has   Management. He has been working in the Finance
                secured 53% marks in the preliminary interview and   department of a company  for the past six years
                43% marks in the final interview. He was born on 3    after completing her post-graduate diploma. He has
                July 1977.                                           secured 56% marks in the preliminary interview and
            19.  Sudha Motwani was born on 24  March 1977. She       45% in the final interview. He was born on 28 May
                has secured 58% marks in  B.A. and  68% marks        1976.
                postgraduate diploma in Finance Management. She   Directions (Q. 26–30) : Study the following information
                has been working in the Finance department of an   carefully and answer the questions given below:
                organization for the past eight years after completing
                her post-graduate diploma. She has secured 50%   Following are the conditions for selecting Management
                marks in both preliminary and final interview .  Trainee in an organization:   [Indian Bank (PO) 2010 ]
            20.  Ashok  Chandra  has been  working  in  the  Finance   The candidate must
                department of an organization  for the past seven   (i)  be a graduate with at least 60% marks.
                years after completing his post-graduate diploma in   (ii)  be not less than 21 years and not more than 28 years
                management  with Finance  specialization  with 65%   as on 1. 1. 2010
                marks. He has secured 55% marks in the preliminary   (iii)  be ready to pay ` 50,000 as security deposit
                interview and 45% marks in the final interview. He
                was born on 12  Apirl 1976.                      (iv)  have secured at least 40% marks in the selection
            21.  Suparna Desai has secured 58% marks in graduation   examination
                and 68% marks in postgraduate diploma in Finance   (v)  have secured at least 50%  marks in personal
                Management.  She has been working as Deputy          interview.
                Finance Manager in an organization for the past four   In the case of a candidate who has satisfied all the above
                years after completing  her post-graduate diploma.   conditions except
                She has  secured 50%  marks  in the preliminary   (a) at (i) above, but has secured at least 65% marks in post
                interview and 45 in the final interview. She was born   graduation, the case is to be referred to GM – Personnel
                on 26  August 1977.                              (b) at (iii) above, but is ready to sign a bond for one year,
            22.  Balwant Singh was born on 18  November 1979.    the case is to be referred to ED – Personnel
                He has secured 60% marks in in B.Com and 55%
                marks in post graduate in Finance Management. He   In each question below, details of one candidate are given.
                has been working as Deputy Finance Manager in an   You have to take one of the following courses of action
                organization for the past five years after completing   based on the information  provided  and  the conditions
                his post-graduate degree. He has secured 54% marks   and sub – conditions given above and mark the number
                in the preliminary interview and 44  in the final   of that course of action as your answer. You are not to
                interview.                                       assume anything  other than the information provided
            23.  Abhishek Saha was born on 8  October 1978. He   in each question. All these cases are given to you as on
                has been working in the Finance department of an   1. 1. 2010.
                organization for the past six years after completing   26.  Sohan Awasthi was born on 8  June 1987. He has
                his post-graduate diploma in management with 68%     secured 55% marks in both selection  examination
                marks. He has secured 63% marks in B.Sc. He has      and personal interview. He can pay the security
                also secured 60% marks in both preliminary and final   deposit of `50,000. He has secured 68% marks in
                interview.                                           post-graduation and 59% marks in graduation.
            24.  Shikha Rastogi was born on 11  Apirl 1976. She has   27.  Anuj Soren was born on 25  March 1984. He has
                secured 68% marks in graduation and 62% marks in     secured 58% marks in  post - graduation.  He has
                postgraduate degree in Finance Management.. She      secured 50% marks in  both selection examination
                has secured 65% marks in the preliminary interview   and personal interview. He is ready to pay the security
                and 35% marks in final  interview.She has been       deposit of `50,000.
                working  in  Finance  department in  an  organization                            th
                for the past seven years after completing her post-  28.  Seema Biswas was born on 15  May 1985. She has
                                                                     secured 65% marks in graduation and 70% marks
                graduate degree.
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