Page 154 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 154

150                                                                                              Analogy

                                         Answer with Solution

                                                  Concept Applicator

            1.   (a)   Second is the capital of the first.       28.  (d)   Second is the dwelling place of the first.
            2.   (c)   Second feeds on the first.                29.  (b)   Second is five days ahead of the first.
            3.   (b)   Second is the more intense from the first.  30.  (b)   Second helps to get rid of the first.
            4.   (c)   Second is the more intense from the first.  31.  (c)   First is burnt for producing the second.
            5.   (a)   The words in each pair are synonyms of each   32.  (b)   Blind possesses visual defects. Similarly, a deaf
            6.   (b)   Second denotes the function performed by the       has a auditory defects.
                     first.                                      33.  (d)   New Delhi is the capital of India. Similarly,
            7.   (d)   Second is a measure of  the boundary of the        Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.
                     first.                                      34.  (d)   Second is the tool used by the first.
            8.   (a)   First indicate the second.                35.  (b)   Second is the movement of the first.
            9.   (a)   Second is the result of the first.        36.  (c)   First grows into the second.
            10.  (c)   Second Shape obtained by pulling the opposite   37.  (c)   Second is the name given to the process of
                     ends of the first.                                   travel of the first.
            11.  (d)   Machine is made to work by a man. Similarly,   38.  (d)   River contains flowing water.  Similarly,  pool
                     Slave works under the instruction of his master.
            12.  (c)   First is the left-over of the second.              contains stagnant water.
                                                                 39.  (b)   First moves in the second by capillary action.
            13.  (c)   The words in each pair are synonyms of each
                     other.                                      40.  (b)   The words in each pair are antonyms of each
            14.  (b)   Second denotes the class  to which the first       other.
                     belongs.                                    41.  (d)   Second denotes the purpose for which the first
            15.  (d)   Second is the device used by the first.            is undertaken.
            16.  (a)   Second denotes that part of the first, on which   42.  (b)   Chlorophyll imparts green colour to the plant.
                     the effort is applied.                               Similarly, haemoglobin  imparts red colour  to
            17.  (a)   The production  of the first is done  by the       the blood.
                     second.                                     43.  (b)   First is produced by the action of second.
            18.  (c)   First is meant for the second.
                                                                 44.  (c)   One who abstains from meat is called vegetarian
            19.  (a)   First is followed by the second.                   and one who abstains from liquor is called a
            20.  (d)   First is the bigger form of the second.            teetotaller.
            21.  (a)   First works for the second.
                                                                 45.  (c)   First is the sound produced by the second.
            22.  (b)   Second is the constitutional head of the first.  46.  (b)   Second denotes the class of machines to which
            23.  (a)   First constitutes the second.                      the first belongs.
            24.  (a)   Steel is an alloy, and Zinc is a metal.
                                                                 47.  (d)   Second evaluates and comments on the first.
            25.  (d)   Second is the unit to measure the first.  48.  (d)   First is the place where second is imparted.
            26.  (a)   Second is used to transmit the first.
            27.  (d)   Chairman is the highest authority  in a   49.  (b)   First depends on the second for results.
                     conference. Similarly, editor is the highest   50.  (c)   Library,  where catalogue is  the list  books
                     authority in a newspaper agency.                     present in library.
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