Page 155 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 155

Analogy                                                                                             151

                                                    Concept Builder

            1.   (b)  First is made from the second.                      events. Similarly, Dirge is a song of grief sung at
            2.   (a)  Delicious  represents good taste. Similarly,        a funeral.
                    Melody describes pleasant voice.             28.  (b)  First is the working place of the second.
            3.   (b)  Waves travel in air, Ripples travel in water.  29.  (a)  The words in each pair are synonyms of each
            4.   (c)  The words in each pair are antonyms of each         other.
                    other.                                       30.  (b)  First writes and edits all the article of the second.
            5.   (b)  The use of the first indicates the second.  31.  (b)  Second is the dwelling place of the first.

            6.   (b)  Second is the place where first is grown /produce.  32.  (c)  First causes the second.
            7.   (d)  The function of a Doctor is to Diagnose a Disease   33.  (d)  Injured is the plaintiff and Accused is the
                    and that of a judge is to give judgement.             defendant.
            8.   (c)  ‘Immigration’ implies arrival  of a foreigner  to   34.  (b)  Second is the effect of the first.
                    settle in a country. ‘Emigration’ implies leaving   35.  (d)  First indicates the lack of the second.
                    own country to settle in another country.    36.  (a)  First control the flow /movement of the second.

            9.   (c)  Second is the name given to a group of the first.
                                                                 37.  (b)  Second produced by the first.
            10.  (c)  As competition ends in win, similarly trails ends   38.  (c)  Second is provided the desired conditions and
                    in invention.
                                                                          environment in the first.
            11.  (d)  Second is the young one of the first.
                                                                 39.  (b)  Second denotes the prominent activity observed
            12.  (c)                                                      in the season denoted by the first.
            13.  (c)  A factory is  a place meant for production.   40.  (b)  Second denotes the quality of being without the
                    Similarly,  a school is  a place meant to impart      first
                                                                 41.  (d)  Second is the working place of the first.
            14.  (b)  First  is the instrument used to measure the   42.  (b)  Second is the material used to make the first.
                                                                 43.  (d)  Second is necessary for the first to be successful.
            15.  (b)  irst is the type of the second.
                                                                 44.  (d)  First is dignified by the second.
            16.  (b)  First is the prime organ carrying out circulation
                    of the second in the human body.             45.  (b)  Stickler is one who insists on perfection. A
                                                                          braggart is a boastful person.
            17.  (a)  Backbone is the supporting bone.
                                                                 46.  (c)  The words in each pair are antonyms of each
            18.  (a)  Cruelty is the antonym of Sympathy. Similarly,      other.
                    the antonym of Virtue is Vice.
                                                                 47;  (d)  Spider makes web. Similarly, poet makes poetry.
            19.  (c)  Words are in antonyms of each other.
                                                                 48;  (c)  First is worn to protect the second from external
            20.  (b)  Second is one of the constituent of first.
            21.  (c)  One runs a race similarly Studies a book.  49.  (b)  First is the female of the second.
            22.  (b)  First contains the collection of second.
                                                                 50.  (c)  Second is more intense form of the first.
            23.  (a)  Second divides the first into two parts of equal   51.  (a)  First  refers to  the act  of  doing away with the
            24.  (d)  First denotes the part of the body where the   52.  (b)  First is a tool, used by the second.
                    second is worn.
                                                                 53.  (d)  Second makes the first work.
            25.  (d)  Second is the sound produced by the first.
                                                                 54.  (b)  Second is the quality possessed by the first.
            26.  (c)  Second is the bigger form of the first.
            27.  (a)  Hymn is a song of praise sung during religious   55.  (a)  Second is the part of the first.
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