Page 168 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 168
164 Data Sufficiency
Answer with Solution
Concept Applicator
1. (c) From I: P is the South- west of Q 11. (d) From 1: he is sure = ja ha ma
From II; P is to the South- west of Q From II: is she sure = ka ja ma
As from both the statement we can find the answer. Combining the two, we get
2. (a) From I; Suresh rank = 42 – 29 + 1 = 14 Is sure = ja ma
From II; Since we don’t know Samir’s rank. we get Hence, sure = ja or ma
nowhere. 12. (b) From I: P is oldest and Q second oldest
3. (e) From 1: K From II: R is the youngest and S Second youngest.
| 13. (a) From I: Saurav visited Delhi on Wednesday.
(+)N – M (–) From II: He visited on Tue. Wed or Thu.
From II: F(+) ⇔ K(–) 14. (e) From I and II R’s position = 10 + 16 + 1 = 27
Combining both : (+)N – (M) from left
Hence k is the mother of N. 15. (a) From I:
4. (d) We can’t decided who reached first between j
and T
5. (e) ‘to’. Which is not common between the two code,
stands for ‘walk’.
6. (e) From 1: A is a Female
Using this in II, we get;
B = mother of A’s son’s only uncle’s son Hence P is north-east of T
= mother of A ‘s son’s cousin From II: We can’t move to any conclusion because
= mother of A ‘s brother – in –law’s wife. Town P has not even been mentioned.
7. (d) Statement I gives us the two tallest persons. 16. (b) From I: Not sufficient as J has not been mentioned.
Hence it is not sufficient. From II: M(+) ⇔ T(–)
From II; either D or F is the shortest Hence II is also |
not sufficient. J(–)
8. (d) Statement I is of no use because we don’t know Hence J is daughter of M
the directions. 17. (c) Feb 29 can occur only in a leap year. 2008
Statement II is sufficient because distances and happens to be the only leap years between 2005
directions have been given property. and 2011. Hence Yesir was born on Feb 29, 2008.
9. (a) Statement I You must see = la pa ni ....(i) Using Calendar Method we can find out the day.
Hence I is sufficient.
Did u see = jo ni pa ....(ii) From II: Yasir was born on Feb 29, 2008 (2012 – 4
From (i) and (ii) you see = pa ni ...(iii) = 2008). Hence II is also sufficient.
Using (iii) in (i), we get must = la 18. (a) From I: 22 students don’t play any game. Which
Hence I alone is sufficient. means 64 – 22 = 42 play either chess or cricket.
But II is not even remotely connected with ‘must’ Now, either chess or cricket = only chess + Only
10. (e) From 1: Arti’s birthday falls on Thu, Fri or Sat cricket + Chess and Cricket or 42 = Only chess = 0
From II; It falls on Sat, Sun or Mon From II: We don’t get information about boys.
Combining I and II it falls on Sat Hence II is also sufficient.