Page 171 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 171

Data Sufficiency                                                                                    167

                                                    Concept Cracker

            1.   (c) Using Statement I:                          5.   d; Using Statement I: The gender of F is not known
                Q > R > S > T > P,                                    So, we cannot says if F is granddaughter or grandson
                Q is the heaviest                                     of B.
                                                                      Using  Statement  II: The  name  of B has  not  even
                Using Statement II:                                   been mentioned. Using both statements together.
                Q> R > S > T > P,
                                                                 6.   (c) From the statements II and III:
                Q is the heaviest.                                    T ⇔ w
            2.   (b) Using Statement I: We cannot determine if all the   (+)     (–)
                fiends are facing the centre.
                A is the facing outside of C is facing the centre of
                circle. So all friends are not facing the centre.           M
            3.   (c) Using Statement I:                               Though, sex of M is not known, it is given in statement
                                                                      III, that T has three children only one of them is boy.
                 Monday       Botany
                                                                      Therefore, we may conclude  that W has two
                 Tuesday      Mathematic
                 Wednesday    Physics
                                                                 7.   (d) From Using Statement I:
                 Thursday     Chemistry                               E > B > A

                 Friday       Zoology                                 From Using Statement II:
                Chemistry is not taught on Wednesday                      >    >    > C >    >
                Using Statement II:                                   From  Using Statement  III: Now combining  all  the
                                                                      above statements, we have
                 Monday        Botany/Zoology
                                                                      E > B > A > C > D > F
                 Tuesday       Mathematic
                                                                 8.   (e) From Using Statement II: From Using Statement
                 Wednesday     Physics                                III: Now combining statements I and II J is in south-

                 Thursday      Chemistry                              west direction from W
                 Friday        Zoology                           9.   (e) Even by combining all the statements we cannot
                                                                      find the day of the week on which Suresh’s mother
                Or                                                    visited Suresh’s house.
                 Monday        Botany/Zoology                    10.  (a) From Using Statement I and III:

                 Tuesday       Mathematic                             Now or never again torn ka na sa          ...(i)
                 Wednesday     Physics                                again go now or never na ho ka sa         ...(ii)
                 Thursday      Chemistry                              From (i) and (ii) code for ‘go’ is ‘ho’
                 Friday        Zoology/Botany                    11.  (a) From I: There are two possible arrangements.

                Chemistry is not taught on Wednesday                  (a) P T R S
            4.   (c) Using Statement I: If the time is 9 o’clock now      (b) P T R S
                then after 30 minutes ie at 9:30 the angle between      So, either T or R
                the minute hand and hour hand cannot be 90˚. So,      From II: There are two possible arrangements.
                now time is not 9 o’clock
                                                                      (a) Q T S
                Using Statement II: If the time is 9 o’clock now then      (b) T S Q
                15 min before the hour and minute hand of the clock
                can never coincide with each other Instead they will      Again either T or S
                have an angle of 7.5˚. So, the time now is not 90˚’      Combining I and II
                clock.                                           12.  (a) Using Statement I:
                                                                      Using Statement II:
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