Page 175 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 175
12 Inequality
Section Level No. of Questions
Concept Applicatior Very Easy 15
Concept Builder Easy 24
Concept Cracker Moderate 30
Concept Deviator Difficult 18
To understand this chapter, we must keep one concept in our mind that is equality means equal and inequality mean-
(i) greater than (>)
(ii) Less than (<)
(iii) Greater than or equal to (≥)
(iv) Less than or equal to (≤)
Symbolic Representation
• A> B – "A" is greater than B" or "B is less than A"
• A < B – "A" is Less than B" or "B is greater than A"
• A ≥ B – "A" is greater than B" or equal to B"
either A is greater than B or A is equal to B
• A >< B – i.e. A ≠ B " no relationship"
• A = B – "A is equal to B"
Conditions for no – relationship
(i) > < (ii) ≥ ≤ (iii) > ≤ (iv) ≥ <
(v) < > (vi) ≤ ≥ (vii) < ≥ (viii) ≤ >
For Example
A = B > C < D
(i) A is equal to B
(ii) A is greater than C
(iii) A and D has no relations, As between A and D conditions for no-relationship exits i.e. (> <).