Page 178 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 178

174                                                                                             Inequality
            14.  Statements: I # N                               ‘P © Q’ means ‘P is either greater than or equal to Q’.
                Conclusions: I. J % T   II. T S N   III. N @ J   ‘P % Q’ means ‘P is either smallest than or equal to Q’.
                (a)  None follow                                 ‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is neither smallest than nor greater than
                (b)  Only I and II follow                        Q’.
                (c)  Only I and III follow                       ‘P S Q’ means ‘P is smallest than Q’.
                (d)  Only II and III follow                      ‘P δ Q’ means ‘P is greater than Q’.
                (e)  All follow                                  Now in each of the following questions assuming the given
            15.  Statements: B * D, D @ H, H % F                 statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I
                                                                 and II given below them is are definitely true.
                Conclusions: I. B * F   II. B S F   III. D S F   Give answer:
                (a)  None follow
                                                                 (a)  if only conclusion I is true.
                (b)  Only either I or III follows                (b)  if only conclusion II is true.
                (c)  Only either I or II follows
                                                                 (c)  if either conclusion I or II is true.
                (d)  Only either II or III and follows           (d)  if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
                (e)  All follow
                                                                 (e)  if both conclusions I and II are true.
            16.  Statements: T S K,     K # R,  R * M            18.  Statements: H © T,     T % M,     M δ F
                Conclusions: I. M * K   II. M % T   III. M S K
                                                                      Conclusions: I. F S T     II. H δ M
                (a)  All follow
                (b)  Only either I or III follows                19.   Statements: B @ N,     N © T,     T S K
                                                                      Conclusions: I. T @ B     II. T S B
                (c)  Only either I or II follows
                (d)  Only either II or III follows               20.  Statements: R S J,     J δ F,     F % H
                (e)  None of these                                    Conclusions: I. H δ J     II. R S F
            17.  Statements: V @ M,     A S M,     R # V         21.  Statements: J δ D,     D @ N,     N % F
                Conclusions: I. R # A   II. V @ A   III. R S M        Conclusions: I. J δ F     II. F © D
                (a)  Only I follows    (b)  Only II follows      22.  Statements: B δ T,     T S H,     H @ M
                (c)  Only III follows   (d)  None follows             Conclusions: I. M δ T     II. B δ H
                (e)  All follow                                  23.  Statements: W % V,     V @ Z,     Z © D
            Direction (Qs. 18-24) In the  following  information      Conclusions: I. D % V     II. W % Z
            question, the symbols @, ©, S, % and are used with the
            following meaning as illustrated below:              24.  Statements: M % R,     R S T,     T © K
                               [Oriental Bank of Commerce (PO)]       Conclusions: I. T δ M     II. R S T

              3. ConCept CrACker

            Direction (Qs. 1-5): In these following  question, the   Give answer:
            symbols @, S, #, *, and % are used with the different   (a)  if only conclusion I is true.
            meaning as follows:                                  (b)  if only conclusion II is true.
            ‘A @ B’ means ‘A is smallest than B’.                (c)  if either conclusion I or conclusion II is true.
            ‘A S B’ means ‘A is greater than B.
            ‘A # B’ means ‘ A is either smallest than or equal to B.  (d)  if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true.
            ‘A * B’ means ‘‘A is either greater than or equal to B’.  (e)  if both conclusions I and II are true.
            ‘A % B’ means ‘A is either smallest than nor greater than   1.   Statements: H # T,     T @ L,     L % F
            B’.                                                       Conclusions: I. F S H     II. H # L
            In each  of the  following  questions  assuming  the  given
            statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I   2.   Statements: V S I,     I * M,     M # Q
            and II given below them is/are definitely true.           Conclusions: I. I # Q     II. I * Q
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