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P. 265

Calender                                                                                            261
            6.   (b) In a year we have 53 Sundays only when year   9.   (c) Counting the number of days after 3rd November,
                start with Sunday  (For non leap  year) and either    1994 we have:
                with Saturday or Sunday (For leap year).              Number of Days in November = 27 or 6 odd days.
                From zeller’s formula 1st January 2001 was Monday     Number of Days in December = 31 or 3 odd days.
                From number of odd days 1  January 2006 will start      Number of Days in January = 31 or 3 odd days
                with Sunday so it had 53 Sunday                       Number of Days in February = 28 or 0 odd days
                Similarly 1  January 2009 will start with Thursday.
                                                                      Number of Days in March = 20 or 6 odd days.
            7.   (b) Let us take two cases                            So total number of odd days = 6 + 3 + 3 + 0 + 6
                Case  (i):  When year start with Sunday then next     = 18 when divided by 7 gives remainder 4.
                4 years will always have 52 Sundays hence total       Number of odd days = 4.
                number of Sundays are 53 + 3 × 52 = 209 Sundays
                Case (ii): When year start with Saturday and then      The  day on 3rd November, 1994  is (7 - 4) days
                                                                      beyond the day on 20th March, 1995.
                we have 53 Sundays that means year is a leap year
                then next 4 years will always have 52 Sundays hence      So, the required day is Thursday.
                total number of Sundays are 53 + 3 × 52 = 209    10.  (b) 94 when divided by 7 gives remainder 3 hence
                Sundays.                                              today it must be Thursday, after 3 more days we will
            8.   (c) If month ends with Thursday then next month will   get a Sunday, next Sunday will be after 3 + 7 = 10
                start with Friday and it may have 5 Friday otherwise   days and so on so we will get Sunday after a day 7K
                it may have 4 Fridays.                                + 3 days.

                                                   Concept Deviator
                                                                      \ Last day of 3  century is Monday.
            1.   (b) 100 years contain 5 odd days.
                \ Last day of 1  century is Friday.                   400 years contain 0 odd day.
                                                                      \ Last day of 4 century is Sunday.
                200 years contain (5 × 2) = 3 odd days.
                \ Last day of 2  century is Wednesday.                This cycle is repeated that means last day of century
                                                                      is Friday, Wednesday, Monday, or Sunday  and it
                300 years contain (5 × 3) = 15 = 1 odd day.           repeats the cycle.
            2.   (c) Count the number of odd days from the year 2011 onwards. Calendar will repeat when we will have number
                of odd days = 0.

             Year          2011    2012    2013    2014    2015     2016     2017    2018    2019    2020    2021
             Odd day         1       2       1       1       1        2        1       1       1       2       1
             Total odd day   1       3       4       5       6     8 ( = 1)    2       3       4       6       7

                So after ending of 2021 the new year 2022 will start      Number of days in April: 30 or number of odd
                and that will have same calendar as that of 2011.     days: 2
            3.   (c) If June month has 5 Mondays then dates must      Number of days  in  May: 31 or number of odd
                be 1 , 8 , 15 , 22 , and 29  or second group of       days: 3
                dates must be 2 , 9 , 16 , 23 , and 30 th             Number of days  in  June: 1 or number  of odd
                Now lets find out the number of days or odd days      days: 1
                between 1  January till 1  June.                      So total number of odd days are 2 + 0 + 3 + 2 + 3
                Number of days in January: 30 or number of odd        + 1 = 11 when divided by 7 gives remainder 4,
                days are 2 (here we have not included 1  Jan so       Hence 1  January must be 4 days back from
                number of days is 31 – 1 = 30)                        Monday  i.e Thursday.  And if 2  January
                Number of days in February: 28 or number of           is Monday then 1  January must be Friday.
                odd days: 0 (Assuming non leap Year)                  Now consider a leap year then number of odd days
                Number of days in March: 31 or number of odd          between 1  January and 1  June is 5 days hence
                days 3
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