Page 271 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 271

Games and Tournament                                                                                267
                 (a)  16                                         stage a team earns one point for each win and no points
                 (b)  18                                         for a loss. At the end of the first stage teams in each group
                                                                 are ranked on the basis of total points to determine the
                 (c)  19                                         qualifiers advancing to the next stage. Ties are resolved by
                 (d)  25
                                                                 a series of complex tie-breaking rules so that exactly four
                (e)  30                                          teams from each group advance to the next stage.
            Direction (Qs. 3-4): There are five teams–  Paraguay,   5.   What is the total number of matches played in the
            Qatar, Russia, Spain and Turkey playing in a tournament   tournament?
            where each  team  plays  against  every other  team  only      (a)  28           (b)  55
            once. These are the following possibilities: each match      (c)  63             (d)  35
            can result in a draw where each team scores two points;
            or a team can win where it scores three points, while the   6.   The minimum number of wins needed for a team
            losing team scores one point                              in the first stage to guarantee is advancement to the
                                                                      next stage is:
            3.   If Paraguay has won all the matches and Turkey has
                lost all the matches and all the remaining three teams      (a)  5           (b)  6
                score equal points, how many points have each of      (c)  7                 (d)  4
                the three remaining teams scored?                7.   What is the highest number of wins for a team in the
                (a)  5                 (b)  7                         first stage in spite of which it would be eliminated at
                (c)  8                 (d)  None of these             the end of first stage?
            4.   If all the five teams have an equal score, what is the      (a)  1          (b)  2
                number of points scored by each team?                 (c)  3                 (d)  4
                (a)   5                (b)  6                    8.   What is the number of rounds in the second stage of
                (c)  7                 (d)  None of these             the tournament?
            Direction (Qs. 5-9): Sixteen teams have been invited      (a)  1                 (b   2
            to participate in the ABC Gold Cup cricket tournament.      (c)  3               (d)  4
            The tournament is conducted in two stages. In the first   9.   Which of the following statements is true?
            stage, the teams are divided into two groups. Each group      (a)  The winner will have more wins than any other
            consists of eight  teams, with each  team playing  every      team in the tournament.
            other team in its group exactly once. At the end of the first      (b)  At the end of the first stage, no team eliminated
            stage, the top four teams from each group advance to the      from the tournament will have more wins than
            second stage while the rest are eliminated. The second        any of the teams qualifying  for the second
            stage comprises of several rounds. A round involves one       stage.
            match for each team. The winner of a match in a round      (c)  It is possible that the winner will have the same
            advances to the next round, while the loser is eliminated.    number of wins in the entire tournament as a
            The team that remains undefeated in the second stage is       team eliminated at the end of the first stage.
            declared the winner and claims the Gold Cup.              (d)  The number of teams with exactly one win in
            The tournament rules are such that each match results in      the second stage of the tournament is 4
            a winner and a loser with no possibility of a tie. In the first

              4. ConCept deviAtor

            Directions (Qs. 1-4): Answer the questions on the basis   the semi-finals. In case of a tie, the team with highest goal
            of the information given below.                      difference (Goal For- Goals Against) qualifies.
            The year was 2006. All six teams in pool A of World Cup   In the opening match, Spain lost to Germany. After the
            hockey, play each other only once. Each win earns a team   second round (after each team played two matches), the
            three points, a draw earns one point and loss earns zero   pool table looked as shown below.
            points. The two teams with the highest points qualify for
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