Page 275 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 275

Games and Tournament                                                                                271
            25.  If at the  end  of stage 1 each  player  has distinct      (b)  If G played with B in semifinal round then H
                number of points then what is the minimum point           lost both the matches against B in stage 1
                scored by the highest scorer?                         (c)  If F played with H in semifinal round then H
                (a)  19                (b)  15                            lost 2 matches in stage 1
                (c)  8                 (d)  None of these             (d)  None of these
            26.  If at the  end  of stage 1 each  player  has distinct   Direction (Qs. 33-37): 16 players participated in world
                number of points then what is the maximum point
                scored by the lowest scorer?                     Chess Championship. These 16 players are seeded from
                (a)  19                (b)  15                   seed 1 to seed 16 with seed 1 as the best rank. These 16
                (c)  8                 (d)  None of these        players are divided in two groups such that all the odd
            27.  If at the  end  of stage 1 each  player  has distinct   numbered seed are in group A and all the even numbered
                number of points and number of draws is maximum   seed are in group B.
                then what is the ratio of number of decisive matches   In each group each team plays with each other exactly
                to indecisive matches?                           once and no match ended in a tie. For a win winner
                (a)  6:1               (b)  1:6                  awarded 2 points while looser 0 points. From each group
                (c)  8:3               (d)  None of these        top two players based on the points scored are advanced
            Directions (Qs. 28-32): 8 teams namely A, B, C, D,   to the next stage i.e semifinal stage. In semifinal stage top
            E, F, G, H participated in a, tournament. In 1st stage or   scorer of one group plays with 2nd best scorer of the other
            qualifying stage these 8 teams are divided into 2 groups   group. Winners of the semi-final play for the final while
            namely P and Q having 4 teams each. In qualifying match
            each team played 2 matches against each other in its own   loosers play for the 3rd place.
            group. The rules are designed in such a way that there   An Upset is when a lower seeded player beat a higher
            can not be a tie in any match. Top 2 teams from each   seeded player.
            group advanced to next stage that is semifinal, in each   In case of same number of points at the end of the 1st
            group, teams own a different number of matches i.e there
            is no tie in calculating rank of 4 teams in any group in 1st   stage there is a complex tie breaker rule which is used to
            stage. In the 1st stage F lost both the matches against G,   determine the rank.
            Number of matches won by A and G is the same and C   33.  What is the total number  of matches in the
            won only 1 match and that is against D which is a team    tournament?
            that lost maximum 1 match against other teams except 1
            team. A won 1 match against top scorer of its group.      (a)  59                (b)  60
            The teams who played semifinal round is B, F, G and H     (c)  61                (d)  None of these
            28.  Which one of the following is correct?          34.  If seed  9 won  the  tournament  then  what is the
                (a)  B, H, A, E are in the same group                 minimum points scored by him in stage 1 given that
                (b)  B, H, C, E are in the same group                 minimum number of upsets in the tournament?
                (c)  F, G, C, A are in the same group                 (a)  5                 (b)  3
                (d)  F, G, D, A are in the same group                 (c)  6                 (d)  None of these
            29.  Which team won the 2nd highest number of matches   35.  If more than  75% of the matches  are upset  then
                in the 1  stage?                                      which highest seed can win the tournament?
                (a)  B                 (b)  H                         (a)  4                 (b)  8
                (c)  G                 (d)  Cant be determined        (c)  7                 (d)  None of these
            30.  Which team won the least number of matches?
                (a)  C                 (b)  D                    36.  If upset caused by a winner is 3 then which lowest
                (c)  E                 (d)  A                         seed can win the tournament?
            31. A lost both the matches to which team.                (a)  14                (b)  13
                (a)  B                 (b)  H                         (c)  8                 (d)  None of these
                (c)  B and H           (d)  None of these        37.  Who is the lowest seeded player won the tournament

            32.  If in semifinal round top scorer of one group played   without causing an upset?
                with 2  scorer of another group and vice versa then      (a)  10             (b)  9
                which one of the following statement is correct?      (c)  8                 (d)  None of these
                (a)  If F played with B in semifinal round then B lost
                     only one match against H in stage 1
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