Page 279 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 279
Games and Tournament 275
From the table we can conclude that Karnataka and So, in both the groups the total number of matches
Punjab have 1 match to play against each other. It is played at the first stage are 28. And hence 56
also given that A win can fetch 2 points, and a loss, matches are played in 1 stage
0 point. Second Stage: In this stage there are 8 teams
The maximum points that Gujrat (with lowest point) playing in such a way that in one round 4 teams play
= 18 + 5 × 2 = 28 and he may not be eliminated, with 4 other teams. 4 teams win and go to the next
Similarly there are certain conditions exist where round. That is called knock out tournament. In the
every team has a chance to survive. 1 round no of matches 8/2 = 4, in the 2 round no
of matches = 4/2 = 2, in the third or the last round
2. (d) Let total number of teams participated in
tournament is n + 10 number of match = 2/2 = 1, so total no of matches
in 2 stage is 4 + 2 + 1 = 7
There are 10 teams in the bottom group then n teams
in the top group. It is given that the bottom group gets Hence total match in the tournament = 56 + 7 = 63
45 points since we have 1 point per match therefore 6. (d) From the given information we can complete the
45 matches playing amongst themselves. Therefore following table it is clear that if a team wins 5 games,
they should get 45 points from their matches against then also there is no guarantee of its advancement to
the top group i.e., 45 out of the 10n points. The the next stage, since only 4 teams can go to the next
top group get C points from the matches among stage.
themselves. They also get 10n – 45 points against Team 1 2 3 4 5
the bottom group, which is half their total points. 1 × W L L W
Hence C = 10n – 45 or n(n + 1) = 20n – 90 or 2 L × × W L
n – 21n + 90 = 0 hence n = 6 or 15 3 W L × W L
If n = 6, the top group would get C + 10n – 45 =
n C + 10(6) – 45 = 30 points, or an average of 5 4 W W L x ×
points per team, while the bottom group would get 5 L W W L W
(45 + 45)/10 or an average of 9. This is not possible. 6 W W W W W
Hence n = 15. Then total number of teams is 10 + 7 W W W W W
15 = 25. 8 W W W W W
3. (c) Each match has 4 points and each team plays 4 Note: In the table W → Wins, L → Loose, × → No
matches. Hence total number of points is 40
match (as example there can not be match between
Paraguay wins all matches. So it scores 3 × 4 = 12 1& and 1, 2 and 2 and so on)
The above is one of such combination. Since after
Turkey loses all matches. So it scores 1 × 4 = 4 winning 5 matches too, there is no guarantee to
points. advancement, so the answer must be 6, because no
16 points are scored by Turkey and Paraguay two teams can get 7 points each.
The other teams score 40 – 16 = 24 points 7. (a) The team which gets 1 point at 1st stage would
As all other teams score equal points, each team be eliminated because the combination may be 6
scores 24/3 = 8 points points for the team and 2 times each for remaining.
4. (d) The total score is 40 points. If each team scores There are some more cases that supports the idea.
equally, each team scores 40/5 = 8 points 8. (c) Since there are 8 teams and we know that 8 = 2
Solution for (5 to 9) hence there are 3 rounds in 2nd stage.
9. (c) From the discussion above we can say that. It is
First Stage: There is two groups of 8 teams each. possible that the winner will have the same number
In each group, each team plays with every other of wins in the entire tournament as a team eliminated
team and hence total number of matches are c =
8 × 7/2 = 28 matches