Page 282 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 282
278 Games and Tournament
5. (d) 1 let us understand the concept of the tournament.
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 (QF) Round 4 (SF)
Match Seed Sum Match Seed Sum Match Seed Sum Match Seed Sum
1 1 + 32 33 1 1 + 16 17 1 1 + 8 9 1 1 + 4 5
2 2 + 31 33 2 2 + 15 17 2 2 + 7 9 2 2 + 3 5
3 3 + 30 33 3 3 + 14 17 3 3 + 6 9
4 4 + 5 9
15 15 + 18 33 7 7 + 10 17
16 16 + 17 33 8 8 + 9 17
Try to understand the table, in the 1 round the sum As per the information given for stage I, we can
of seed is always 33, the same for round 2 is 17 and conclude and draw the table that
so on considering there is no upset. (a) As B lost at least one match, hence A won all
Lindsay Davenport (Seed 2) was scheduled to to the 3 matches.
meet seed 7, i.e., Justine Henin in the quarter finals. (b) The two teams who lost all the matches cannot
But in the second round since match 7 - involving be A (as it won all 3 matches), cannot be B
seed 7 (Justine Henin) and seed 10 (Venus Williams) (since it is given that E lost to B), cannot be D
- resulted in an upset and Venus Williams won the (since D won against C & F). Hence, the two
game, hence Davenport will meet Venus Williams in teams must be C and F.
the quarter finals. (c) F did not play against the top team (i.e. A).
6. (c) Maria Sharapova, seed 1, would meet the winner We can tabulate all the information as
of the match between seed 8 and seed 9, but it is A B C D E F
given that Serena Williams, seed 8 lost against seed
9 Nadia Petrovain the second round. Hence Nadia A X W W W
Petrova (seed 9). B L X W W
7. (a) All odd numbered seeds up to 15 reach the 2nd C L X L L
round while instead of seeds 2 to 16 the players who D L W X W
reach the second round are seeds 31, 29, 27, 25, 23, E L W X W
21, 19 and 17. F L L L X
The second round matches are between seeds 1-17, In the above table a blank space means there was no
31-15, 3-19, 29-13, 5-21, 27-11, 7-23 and 25-9. match in this stage (i.e there was no match between
Since there are no upsets in that round the winners A and E in this stage), Result of a match for a team
are seeds 1, 15, 3, 13, 5, 11, 7 and 9. is shown in its row,
The quarter final line up would be (d) A lost both its matches against E and F.
1-9, 15-7, 3-11 and 13-5. (e) F won against A, hence is the bottom team (out
If seed 13 wins her match in the quarters she will of C and F) which won both the matches F won
next meet seed 1, i.e. Marie Sharapova in semifinals. against C as well. This also means that C lost
8. (c) If the top eight seeds make it to quarterfinals, both its matches against B and F.
then from the table we can find thatSharapova being (f) Apart from A and C, one more team lost both
top seed will meet seed 8 in the quarterfinals, and in the matches in Stage-II. That team can neither
the semifinals she will meet the winner of the match be E (since A lost to E), nor B (since C lost to
between seeds 4 and 5. So she will not meet seeds B), nor F (as F won both its matches). Hence,
4, 5 or 8 in the finals. the team must be D.
We can sum up the given information as below:
(ii) No team plays against the same team more than once
(iv) No ties permitted.