Page 295 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 295
Logical Connectivity 291
Answer with Solution
Concept Applicator
1. (b) Let X the event that Rajesh studies for the exam. CAT is not tough (means Easy) then IIT JEE is Easy
and Y the event that Rajesh passes the exam. We [as given in ii and iii)
have been given the information that X → Y. IIT JEE is tough then CAT is tough [as given in iv
Thus ~ Y ~X. means if Ram failed the exam, he did and i]
not study for it. 6. (b) This is the case of “unless X, Y” so in this case
2. (a) The given statement is: Whenever I go in sun I negation of one statement will be followed by other
feel headache. Here let us assume that X is “I go in statement.
sun” and Y is “ I have headache” 7. (d) correct combination is (i) and (iii) and also (iv)
Then situation is “Whenever X then Y” and and (ii)
implications in this is ( X → Y) and (~ Y → → X), 8. (c) The correct conclusion should be:
now lets check options one by one
Susmit is sad that means he met with his girlfriend
Option (a) I went in sun so I have headache now. [ii and iii]
( X → Y) its right conclusion. Susmit didn’t meet his girlfriend so he must be happy
Option (b) I didn’t go in sun so I don’t have headache [iv and i]
now. (~ X → Y) it can not be concluded 9. (b) It is the case of “Unless X, Y” the conclusion is:
Option (c) I m feeling headache that means I went in Boss is not present means employees don’t work.
sun. ( Y → X), it can not be concluded. [ii and iv]
3. (c) It is the case of “Either X or Y” hence (~ X → Y) Employee work means boss is present. [iii and i]
and (~ Y → X) hence option (C) is correct.
4. (b) The conclusion can be: The teacher gives break 10. (c) This is the case of If X then Y the conclusion
should be:
means Students are exhausted (as given in i and iv)
Students are not exhausted hence teacher will not You don’t saved money means you will not get
reward. [ ii and iv]
give a break (as given in ii and iii)
You got reward means you saved money. [iii and i]
5. (a) This is the case of either X or Y the conclusion
should be:
Concept Builder
1. (b) Sam is not drunk, so he must be ill. 6. (b) If Sita is not sick, means she is careless.
2. (c) As Ram did not lose sleep, means he did not hear 7. (d) Ram does not eat hamburgers, means he does
of the tragedy. not get a swollen nose.
3. (d) The train is not late, so it must have derailed. 8. (b) If the employees have confidence in the
management, it follows that they are hostile.
4. (a) I did not have a nightmare, so I must not have
read a horror story. 9. (d) None of the given options relates logically to the
5. (b) I did not get rashes which means I did not eat given statements.
berries. 10. (a) As all irresponsible parents do not shout, it follows
that the children cavort.