Page 294 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 294

290                                                                                     Logical Connectivity
            (i)  (~X → Y or Z)                                   13.  Unless students are agree, the class will continue and
            (ii)  (~ Y or/and ~Z → X)                                 Institute will remain open.
            Type 4: “Only if X then Y and Z”                          (a)  Students  are agree  it implies  that either  class
            This statement implies that:                                  will not continue or institute will not close.
                                                                      (b)  The class  will not continue or the institute is
            (i)  (Y and Z → X)                                            closed implies that students are agree.
            (ii)  (~ X → ~ Y and /or ~Z)                              (c)  Students are not agree and  the class will not
            Each question consists of a main statement followed by 4      continue  implies  that institute will remain
            statements in the answer options. From the given options      closed.
            select the one that logically follow the main statement.     (d)  None of these
            10.  Only if it is a national holiday, Pioneer career is not   14.  If you study then you will pass the exam and will get
                open and employee enjoy together.                     a good girlfriend.
                (a)  Today is not a national holiday it implies that      (a)  You did not study then you will not pass the
                     Pioneer career is not open and employee enjoy        exam or will not get a good girlfriend.
                     together.                                        (b)  You did not pass the exam and did not get a
                (b)  Employees  are not enjoying  together  and           good girlfriend implies that you did not study.
                     Pioneer Career is open that implies it is not a      (c)  You passed the exam and  also got a good
                     national holiday.                                    girlfriend implies that you have studied.
                (c)  Today is not a national holiday it implies that      (d)  None of these
                     Pioneer  career is open  or employee  enjoy   15.  If it is a holiday then Suvrojyoti will play cricket or
                     together.                                        will watch movie.
                (d)  None of these                                    (a)  It is not a holiday then Suvrojyoti will not play

            11.  If it is not raining then I will not walk slow but I will   cricket and will not watch movie.
                walk at least 4 km.                                   (b)  If it is a holiday and Suvrojyoti is not playing
                (a)  If it is raining then I will walk slow but will not   cricket then he will watch movie.
                     walk 4 km.                                       (c)  It is a holiday  then  Suvrojyoti  will  not  play
                (b)  If it is raining then I will not walk slow but will   cricket and will not watch movie.
                     not walk 4km.                                    (d)  None of these
                (c)  If I am walking slow or not walking for 4 kms   16.  Unless teacher is agree, the class will continue and
                     then it is raining.                              there will be a test.
                (d)  None of these                                    (a)  Teacher is agree it implies that either class will
            12.  If Ricky singh is not at Pioneer Career then he is at    not continue or there will not be a test.
                his sleeping or watching movie.                       (b)  The class  will not continue or there is  a test
                (a)  Ricky Singh is not sleeping and not watching         implies that teacher is agree.
                     movie implies that he is at Pioneer Career.      (c)  Teacher is not agree and the class  will not
                (b)  Ricky Singh  is not sleeping  or not  watching       continue implies that there will be a test.
                     movie implies that he is at Pioneer Career.      (d)  None of these
                (c)  Ricky Singh is at Pioneer Career it implies that
                     he is not sleeping but watching movie.
                (d)  None of these
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