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288 Logical Connectivity
3. ConCept CrACker
Directions (Qs. 1–4): Each question has a main 3. Whenever Rajeev uses the internet, he dreams about
statement followed by four statements labelled A, spiders.
B, C and D. Choose the ordered pair of statements A. Rajeev did not dream about spiders.
where the first statement implies the second, and B. Rajeev used the internet.
the two statements are logically consistent with
the main statement. C. Rajeev dreamt about spiders.
1. Either the orangutan is not angry, or he frowns upon D. Rajeev did not use the internet.
the world. (a) AD (b) DC
A. The orangutan frowns upon the world. (c) CB (d) DA
B. The orangutan is not angry. 4. If I talk to my professors, then I do not need to take
C. The orangutan does not frown upon the world. a pill for headache.
D. The orangutan is angry. A. I talked to my professors.
(a) CB only (b) DA only B. I did not need to take a pill for headache.
(c) AB only (d) CB and DA C. I needed to take a pill for headache.
2. Either Ravana is a demon, or he is a hero. D. I did not talk to my professors.
A. Ravana is a hero. (a) AB only (b) DC only
B. Ravana is a demon. (c) CD only (d) AB and CD
C. Ravana is not a demon.
D. Ravana is not a hero.
(a) CD only (b) BA only
(c) CD and BA (d) DB and CA
4. ConCept deviAtor
Directions (Qs. 1–4): F. Unless the people change their lifestyle,
Each question consists of a set of numbered statements. temperature rises.
Assume that each one of these statements is individually G. People are rewarded.
true. Each of the four choices consists of a subset of these H. Water level in the coastal areas does not rise.
statements. Choose the subset as your answer where (a) C, D, F, G and H (b) G, F, D, B and H
the statements therein are logically consistent among (c) E, F, G, H and B (d) None of the above
themselves: 2. A. If Kumar sings, then the audiences sleep.
1. A. Only if the water level in the coastal areas B. If Kumar sings, then the audiences dance.
rises, then the people change their lifestyle. C. Unless audience do not dance, the concert
will be successful.
B. People change their lifestyle only if they are D. Only if the audience dance, the concert will
rewarded. be successful.
C. If people are rewarded, then they will not E. If Vina dances, then Kumar sings.
change their lifestyle. F. Kumar sings only if Vina dances.
D. If the temperature rises, then the water level in G. Vina dances
the coastal areas rises. H. The concert is successful.
E. Whenever the water level in the coastal area (a) C, F, G, B and H (b) A, C, F, G and H
rises, then the temperature rises. (c) E, C, G, B and H (d) Both (2) and (3)