Page 366 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 366

QB-10                                                                            Miscellaneous Question Bank
            225. If ROME is written as MORE then DARE is written as:  235. If 0, 1, 2, 3,...., 9 is written as a, b, c, d,....j, then find
                                             [SSC CGL 2015]           dc × f – (bf – d) × d.     [SSC CHSL 2015]
                (a)  RDEA              (b)  RAED                      (a)  abc               (b)  bcf
                                                                      (c)  abb               (d)  bcc
                (c)  RDAE              (d)  RADE
            226. In a certain code, LUTE  is  written as  MUTE and   236. ELEPHANT is written as 57589143, LEAP can be
                                                                                                 [SSC CHSL 2015]
                                                                      written as
                GATE is written as HATE, then how BLUE will be
                written in that code?                                 (a)  5618              (b)  7518
                EAT OUR IS AS AT             [SSC CGL 2015]           (c)  6712              (d)  6518
                (a)  FLUD              (b)  FLUE                 237. In a certain code TEACHER is written as ZYXDOYK
                (c)  GLUE              (d)  CLUE                      and RAIL as KXQM. How will be CHAIR written?
            227. In a certain code language '481' means 'sky is blue',                           [SSC CHSL 2015]
                '246' means 'sea is deep' and '698' means 'sea looks      (a)  DOQXK         (b)  DOKQX
                blue'. What number is the code for 'blue'.            (c)  DOXQK             (d)  DQOXK
                                             [SSC CGL 2015]
                (a)  8                 (b)  6                                BLOOD RELATION
                (c)  1                 (d)  9                    238. Looking at a woman sitting next to him. Amit said,
            228. If A = 1, ACT = 24, then FAT = ?                     "She is the sister of the husband to my wife". How is
                                            [SSC CHSL 2013]           the woman related to Amit?   [SSC CGL 2013]
                (a)  26                (b)  25                        (a)  Daughter          (b)  Sister
                (c)  27                (d)  24                        (c)  Wife              (d)  Niece
            229. If 'GLOSSORY' is coded  as 97533562  and        239. Pointing to lady Simon said, "She is the daughter of
                GEOGRAPHY' = 915968402,  then 'GEOLOGY'               the only sister of my father". How is lady related to
                can be coded as             [SSC CHSL 2013]           Simon?                     [SSC CHSL 2013]
                (a)  915692            (b)  9157592                   (a)  Mother            (b)  Aunt
                (c)  9057592           (d)  9157591                   (c)  Sister            (d)  Cousin sister
            230. If 'NEUROTIC' can be written as 'TICRONEU' then   240. Karan has a brother 'Prem' and a sister 'Neesha'.
                how can 'PSYCHOTIC' be written?                       Karan's wife is 'Naj' and has a daughter  'Naksha'.
                                                                      Naksha got married with Neesha's son Akbar and
                                            [SSC CHSL 2013]           has a baby girl  'Riya'. What is relation  between
                (a)  TICOCHPSY         (b)  TICCHOPSY                 'Naksha' and 'Neesha'?     [SSC CHSL 2015]
                (c)  TICCOHPSY         (d)  TICHCOPSY                 (a)  Niece and Aunt
            231. If 'Stress' is coded as Rtress. Then  'Pulse' will be      (b)  Mother and grand daughter
                coded as-                   [SSC CHSL 2015]           (c)  Sister
                (a)  Fulse             (b)  Rulse                     (d)  Mother and daughter
                (c)  Qulse             (d)  Oulse                241. P + Q implies that P is the brother of Q, P – Q implies
            232. If ARMS equal 1234 then MARS will equal to:          that P is the mother of Q, whereas P × Q implies P
                                                                      is the sister of Q. Which of the following implies M is
                                            [SSC CHSL 2015]           the maternal uncle of R?   [SSC CHSL 2015]
                (a)  4213              (b)  4321                      (a)  M – R + K         (b)  M + K × Q
                (c)  1243              (d)  3124                      (c)  None of these     (d)  M + K – R
            233. If FATHER is coded as FBTIES, what should be the
                code for the word SISTER?   [SSC CHSL 2015]              FORMATION OF WORDS
                (a)  SJSUES            (b)  SKSVET
                (c)  SHSSEQ            (d)  TJTUFS               242. In this question, from the given alternatives select the
                                                                      word which cannot be formed by using the letters of
            234. In certain code CONVENTIONAL  is WRITTEN as          the given word.              [SSC CGL 2012]
                NOCNEVOITLAN. How is ENTHRONEMENT  in
                that code written?          [SSC CHSL 2015]           APPROPRIATE
                (a)  TNEORHMENTNE (b)  TNEROHEMNTNE                   (a)  PIRATE            (b)  APPROVE
                (c)  TNEORMETNHNE (d)  TNEROHEMNNTE                   (c)  PROPER            (d)  RAPPORT
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