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Miscellaneous Question Bank QB-13
(a) 3kms (b) 6kms Kms. How far was she from my house?
(c) 7kms (d) 5kms [SSC CHSL 2015]
275. Raju drives 25 km north and turns left and travels (a) 5 Kms (b) 10 Kms
5 km and reaches point '0'. He then turns right and (c) 40 Kms (d) 15 Kms
covers another 5 kms. Afterwards turns to east and
drives 5 km. How much distance he has to travel to 283. Suresh walked 7 km east and turned to his left walked
go back to the starting point? [SSC CGL 2015] 4 kms. He then turned to his right and walked 5
(a) 30 kms (b) 20 kms kms. Finally, he again turned to his right and walked
(c) 35 kms (d) 25 kms 4 kms. In which direction is he now from his starting
276. Sohan drove 15 kms, to the west from his house, point? [SSC CHSL 2015]
then turned left and walked 20 Kms. He then turned (a) East (b) West
East and walked 25 Kms, and finally turning left (c) North (d) South
covered 20 Kms. How far he is from his house.
[SSC CGL 2015] 284. Sunder travelled 5 km towards North, then turned
towards East and travelled 6 km, then turned South
(a) 40 Kms (b) 5 Kms and travelled 5 km. How far is he from the starting
(c) 10 Kms (d) 80 Kms point? [SSC CHSL 2015]
277. Some equations are solved on the basis of a certain (a) 11 km (b) 5 km
system. On the same basis find out the correct answer
for the unsolved equation. [SSC CGL 2015] (c) 10 km (d) 6 km
(a) 068 (b) 680 285. Directions: If you start running from a point
(c) 806 (d) 860 towards North and after covering 4 Kms, you turn
278. A man takes 6 Km., distance to go around the to your left and run 5 Kms and then again turn to
rectangular area. If the area of the rectangle is 2 Km., your left and run 5 Kms and then turn to left again
find the difference between length and breadth. and run another 6 Kms and before fishing you take
[SSC CGL 2015] another left turn and run 1 Km., then answer the
(a) 2 Km (b) 0.75 Km following question based on this information.
(c) 0.5 Km (d) 1 Km Question: From the finishing point if you have to
279. After starting from a point, A walks 3 km towards reach the point from where you started, in which
East, then turning to his left he moves 3 km. After direction will you have to run? [SSC CGL 2015]
this he again turns left and moves 3 km. In which (a) West (b) North
direction is 'A' from his starting point?
[SSC CHSL 2013] (c) South (d) East
(c) West (d) South
280. Ram goes 15 meters North then turns right and 286. Some relationships have been express through
walks 20 meters, then again turns right and walks 10 symbols which are explained below
meters, then again turns right and walks 20 meters. [SSC CGL 2012]
How far is he from his original position?
[SSC CHSL 2013] = greater than
(a) 5 (b) 10 = not equal to
(c) 15 (d) 20 × = not less than
281. If Sita walks 10 Km towards West, then turned + = equal to
towards South and walked 10 Km, then turned East f = not greater than
walked 10 Km, and turned North walked 10 Km. = less than
How far she is from starting point? a b c, implies
[SSC CHSL 2015] (a) a b f c (b) a f b + c
(a) 0 Km (b) 40 Km (c) a o b + c (d) a o b × c
(c) 20 Km (d) 10 Km 287. If L denotes × [SSC CGL 2012]
282. Laxmi went 10 Km to the West from my house, then
turned left and walked 20 Kms. She then turned East M denotes ÷
and walked 25 Kms & finally turned left covered 20 P denotes +