Page 368 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 368
QB-12 Miscellaneous Question Bank
260. Calculate his starting point? [SSC CGL 2012]
(a) Cat (b) Team (a) 5 km (b) 6 km
(c) Tea (d) Late (c) 3 km (d) 4 km
Directions (Qs. 261 to 262): From the given 268. A man coming out of the backdoor of his house
alternatives words, select the word which cannot which is facing East, walked for one kilometre,
be formed using the letters of the given word. turned to his right and walked for another kilometre.
[SSC CHSL 2015] Then he turned to his right and walked a kilometre
again. Where was he from his house at the end?
(a) THEN (b) STORY (a) 1 km away in north
(c) THESIS (d) THIS (b) 1 km away in south
262. MANIPULATE (c) 1 km away in east
(a) POLLUTE (b) PINT (d) 1 km away in west
(c) MANTLE (d) PLATE 269. Two squads of soldiers A and B, facing East and West
Directions (Qs. 263 to 265): From the given respectively received the following commands -
alternative words, select the word which cannot Left Turn, About Turn, Right Turn, Left Turn.
be formed using the letters of the given word: Which directions would the squads A and B
[SSC CGL 2012]
face at the end?
[SSC CHSL 2015] (a) East, West (b) West, East
263. Happiness (c) North, South (d) South, North
(a) Pine (b) Spent 270. Sharda started to move in the direction of south.
(c) Spine (d) Snipe After moving 15 meters, she turned to her left-twice
264. Environment and moved 15 meters each time. Now how far is she
and in which direction from her starting point?
(a) Term (b) Rein [SSC CGL 2013]
(c) Rent (d) Reign (a) 15 m, East (b) 15 m, South
265. Arrange the following words as per order in the (c) 30 m, East (d) 20 m, West
dictionary: [SSC CHSL 2015] 271. Sonia started from her house and travelled 4 km
1. Mischange 2. Mischievous towards east. Then she turned left and travelled 6
3. Mischief 4. Miscellaneous km. Then she turned right and travelled 4 km. At
(a) 4, 2, 1, 3 (b) 4, 1, 3, 2 what distance is she from starting point?
(c) 4, 3, 1, 2 (d) 3, 2, 4, 1 [SSC CGL 2013]
(a) 14 km (b) 8 km
DIRECTION AND DISTANCE (c) 5 km (d) 10 km
272. Pinky walks a distance of 600 mtr. towards east, turns
266. Four aeroplanes of Airforce viz, A, B, C, D started left and moves 500 mtr, then turns left and walks 600
for a demonstration flight towards east. After flying mtr. and then turns left again and moves 500 mtr
50 km planes A and D fly towards right, planes B and halts. At what distance in meters is she from the
and C flew towards left. After 50 km, planes B and starting point? [SSC CGL 2015]
C fly towards their left, planes A and D towards their (a) 2200 (b) 500
left. In which directions the aeroplanes A, B, D, C (c) 0 (d) 600
respectively fly now? [SSC CGL 2012] 273. Sunita rode her scooty northwards, then turned left
(a) North, South, East, West and then again rode to her left 4 km. She found
herself exactly 2 kms west of her starting point. How
(b) South, North, West, East far did she ride northwards initially?
(c) East, West, East, West [SSC CGL 2015]
(d) West, East, West, East (a) 2 km (b) 4 km
267. Satish starts from A and walks 2 km east upto B and (c) 5 km (d) 6 km
turns southwards and walks 1 km upto C. At C he 274. Kailash walks 3 kms to east and south and walks
turns to east and walks 2 km upto D. He then turns 4kms. Again turns west and walks 6kms. How far is
northwards and walks 4 km to E. How far is he from he from the starting point? [SSC CGL 2015]