Page 402 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 402

QB-46                                                                            Miscellaneous Question Bank

                (d)                                                         DIRECTION AND DISTANCE
                    M         K
                                                                 266. (c)

                Hence, option (d) satisfies the question.
                        FORMATION OF WORDS

            242. (b)
            243. (b)

            244. (d)  The word CHANGE cannot be formed by using   267. (a)
                     the lettes of the given word.
            245. (d)  The word TUTOR can be formed by using the
                     given word.
            246. (a)

            247. (d)
            248. (a)  The new words are - STILL, STABLE, SPILE,
                     STAB, SPRING.
            249. (c)  3  9  4  2  8  10  5  1  7  6                   AE = ( EE′) +( AE′) 2

                     U N  S  C  R  A  M  B  L  E
                                                                      =   416 =    25 = 5km
            250. (c)  SUPERINTENDENT → DOCTOR.
                                                                 268. (a)
                Except DOCTOR, the other words can be formed                  North
                from the word SUPERINTENDENT.                                                          N
            251. (c)  INCONVENIENCE → CONSCIENCE                     Starting  •  1 km

                Except  CONSCIENCE, the other  words can be           point                   W                 E
                formed the word INCONVENIENCE.                                           1 km

            252. (a)  DISTRIBUTION → SITUATION
                Except SITUATION, the other words can be formed                  1 km                  S
                the word DISTRIBUTION.                           269. (d)

            253. (a)   A   C     E     G                                      North (B)  About turn
                Similarly,  O   Q     S    U
            254. (b)                                                                        Left   Left
            255. (d)                                                 Starting point of B.          Starting point of A
                                                                                        Right Right
            256. (a)  The new words are-                                            Left      Left
                HATE  BARE  BATE  PINE  BATHE
                                                                                             South (A)
            257. (d)
                                                                                About turn
            258. (d)                                                      About turn-turning in reverse direction.
            259. (c)
                                                                 270. (a)
            260. (b)
            261. (b)  ‘0’ is not present in SYNTHESIS.
            262. (a)  ‘0’ is not present.
            263. (b)                                                  \  She is  15 m. towards the East from the starting
            264. (d)                                                      point.
            265. (b)                                             271. (d)
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