Page 416 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 416

ST - 6                                                                                          Speed Test

                        SPEED TEST - 4                                                   Time         :  20 Minutes
                                                                                         Total Qs.
                                                                                                      :  20
                                                                                         Max. Marks   :  20

            Directions (Qs. 1 – 5 ) : In the following questions,   4.   Statements : G%H, H*I, I$J, J@K
            the symbols @, ©, $, % and H are used with the            Conclusions :
            following meanings as illustrated below :                 I.  G%I                II.  G%J
            P @ Q means P is not smaller than Q.                      III.  K$I              IV.  H*J
            P * Q means P is not greater than Q.                      (a)  Only I is true
            P © Q means P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q     (b)  Only II is true
            P $ Q means P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q      (c)  Only I, II and III are true
            P % Q means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q      (d)  Only either I or II and III are true

            Now in each of the following  questions assuming the      (e)  All is true
            given statements to be true, find which of the following   5.   Statements : V@W, W%X, X*Y, Y$Z
            conclusions I,II,III and IV given below them is/are definitely      Conclusions :
            true and give your answers accordingly.                   I.  Z$X                II.  Y©V
            1.   Statements : K©L, L%O, O@M, M*N
                                                                      III.  W%Y              IV.  Y@W
                Conclusions :                                         (a)  Only I and III are true
                I.  N©O                 II.  M$L                      (b)  Only II is true
                III.  K*N               IV.  L@N                      (c)  Only III is true
                (a)  Only I is true     (b)  Only I and II are true     (d)  None is true
                (c)  Only I is true     (d)  Either I or II is true      (e)  Only III and IV are true
                (e)  None of the above                           Direction (Qs. 6–15):  In each  question below is

            2.   Statements : A*B, B$C, C%D, D©E                 given a statement followed  by two assumptions
                Conclusions :                                    number I and II. An assumption is something
                                                                 supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider
                I.  D$A                 II.  B$D                 the statement and the following assumption and
                III.  E%C               IV.  A@E                 decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the
                (a)  Only I is true                              statement.
                (b)  Only either I or II is true                 Give answer (a) if only assumption I is implicit.
                (c)  Only I and IV are true                      Give answer (b) if only assumption II is implicit.
                (d)  None is true                                Give answer (c) if either assumption I or II is implicit.
                (e)  Only IV is true                             Give answer (d) if neither assumption I nor II is implicit.
                                                                 Give answer (e) if both assumptions I and II are implicit.
            3.   Statements : F$P, P@R, R©S, S%T
                                                                 6.  Statement:      The    General    Administration
                Conclusions :                                         Department has issued a circular to all the employees
                I.  R%F                 II.  S*P                      information them that henceforth the employees can
                III.  P©T               IV.  S%F                      avail their lunch break at any of the half-hour slots
                (a)  Only I,II and III are true                       between 1.00 pm and 2.30 pm.
                                                                      Assumption I: The employees may welcome the
                (b)  Only I and II are true
                                                                      decision and avail lunch break at different time slots.
                (c)  Only III and IV are true
                                                                      II: There may be not be any break in the work of the
                (d)  Only I, II and IV are true                       organisation as the employees will have their lunch
                (e)  All are true                                     break at different time slots.
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