Page 421 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 421

Speed Test                                                                                       ST - 11
            Syndicate Bank,JCO Bank, Vijay a Bank, Dena Bank and   12.  The one who belongs to Agra got selected in which
            Central Bank, not tecessarily in the same order. B belongs   of the following banks ?
            to Jaipur but did not jet selected in either Dena Bank or      (a)   UCO         (b)  Dena
            Canara Bank.                                              (c)  Vijaya            (d)  Either uco or Dena
            D doesn't belong either to Delhi or to Lucknow, but got   13.  Which  of the following  combinations  of person-
            ielected in Syndicate Bank.                               citybank is definitely false ?
            The one who got selected in Dena Bank doesn't belong to      (a)  A-Kanpur Canara Bank
            laipur The one who got selected in Central Bank belongs      (b)  D-Pilibhit-Syndicate Bank
            to Lucknow. F did not get selected in Dena Bank. Either      (c)  F-Lucknow-Central Bank
            C or  F  got  selected in UCO  Bank but  neither of  them      (d)  C-Delhi-Dena Bank
            belongs to Pi I ibhit or Lucknow. A belongs to Kanpur and   14.  The one  who belongs to Lucknow got selected in
            he got selected in either Canara Bank or UCO Bank. F      which of the following banks ?
            doesn't belong to Delhi.                                  (a)   UCO              (b)  Dena
            10.  Who among the following belongs to Pilibhit ?        (c)  Vijaya            (d)  None of these
                (a)  A      (b)  B      (c)  C     (d)  D        15.  Four of the following four are all like in a certain way
            11.  Who among the following got selected in Dena         and hence form a group. Which is the one that does
                Bank?                                                 not belong to that group ?
                (a)  A      (b)  B      (c)  C     (d)  D             (a)  MUG               (b)  CUP
                                                                      (c)  GLASS             (d)  Pottery
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