Page 422 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 422

ST - 12                                                                                         Speed Test

                        SPEED TEST - 7                                                   Time         :  15 Minutes
                                                                                         Total Qs.
                                                                                                      :  15
                                                                                         Max. Marks   :  15

            Direction (Qs. 1–5): In making decisions about            II.  No,  the city’s  crumbling civic services  are  the
            important  questions, it  is desirable to  be able            result of a lack of will power of policy-makers
            to distinguish between “Strong” arguments and                 to  implement the policies with dedication  as
            “Weak” arguments in sofar as they relate to the               well as a lack of, rational  co-operation  and
            question. “Strong” arguments are those which                  collaboration of people.
            are both important  and  directly  related  to the
            question. “Weak” arguments are those which are       4.  Statement: Should TV channels be allowed to
            of minor importance and also may not be directly          telecast soft porn films ?
            related  to the question or may be related  to a          Arguments:
            trivial aspect of the question.                           I.   Yes, this will  help in  satisfying  young  sters’
                (a)   Only I is strong                                    aphrodosiomania,  as a result of which cases
                (b)  Only II is Strong.                                   related with woman’s molestation will reduce to
                (c)   Either I and II is Strong.                          some extent.
                (d)  Neither I and II is Strong.                      II.  No, this is against  our  tradition.  Any  such act
            1.  Statement:  Should  corporal  punishment  be              will degrade our social values, especially  for
                banned in schools ?                                       children, who use television  as a medium  of
                Arguments:                                                entertainment as well as education.
                I.   Yes, if a student fails to perform well it should   5.  Statement: Should pension schemes in government
                    be realised that it is due to the teacher’s fault.   ser vices be abolished ?
                    Inculcation of value of ethics should be preferred      Arguments:
                    to corporal punishment                            I.   Yes, this will reduce the number of aspiring
                II.  No an adamant child can’t  be forced to              candidates to a great extent and it will be easy
                    study unless he/she is treated with corporal          for the common man to get into govt services.
                    punishment.                                       II.  No, this will destroy the very purpose  of
            2.  Statements: Should restrictions on rickshaw-pullers       providing financial help to the employee so that
                and prisoners be removed for donation of blood ?          they can sustain themselves in old age.
                Arguments:                                       6.  In each of the following questions, a question is asked
                I.   Yes, because of these restrictions, a large number   followed by three statements. You have to study the
                    of people  are not able to donate  their blood    question and all the three statements given and decide
                    even to their own relatives in emergencies.       whether any information provided in the statements)
                II.  No, blood donation is meant to save people’s     is/are redundant and can be dispensed with while
                    life; if fingers are pointed  towards someone’s   answering the questions.
                    eligibility as a donor owing to possibility of non
                    suitable or erroneous blood, then such persons      How many sons and daughters does Amod have ?
                    must be restricted from doing so.                 (A)  Amod’s wife says she has number of sons twice the
            3.  Statement:  Is  privatization the best  cure for the      number of daughters.
                city’s crumbling civic services?                      (B)  Tom, who is one of the sons of Amod, says that
                Arguments:                                                he has one-and-a-half times as many brothers as
                I.   Yes,  nobody cares  or takes  responsibility in      sisters.
                    government departments. In order to improve       (C)  Tinu, who is one of the daughters of Amod, says
                    its image in public life, the private sector does     that she has 4 times as many brothers as sisters.
                    its best to improve existing civic services and      (a)  Any one of them   (b)  Any two of them
                    remove the bottlenecks in the implementation
                    of its policies.                                  (c)  Either B or C     (d)  Either A or C
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