Page 417 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 417

Speed Test                                                                                       ST - 7
            7.  Statement: The Government has decided against    N has applied for UBI and her friend applied for BOB. Q
                reduction of prices of petroleum products though   is from Kolkata and has not applied for CB or UCO. The
                there is a signification drop in the crude oil prices in   one who has applied for UCO has applied neither from
                the  international market.                       Patna nor Noida. S has applied from Kanpur. A dose not
                Assumption I: The prices of crude oil in the     applied From Patna.
                international market may again increase in the near    11.  Who is from Patna?
                future.                                               (a)   A    (b)   Q     (c)  R      (d)  N
                II:  The present prices difference of  petroleum      (e)   None of these.
                products will help the government to with stand any   12.  Which pair are of three females?
                possible price rise in future.                        (a)   SNR              (b)  SNQ
            8.  Statement: The Govt has made an appeal to all         (c)   LNS              (d)  Data incomplete
                the citizens to honestly  pay income  tax and file      (e)   None of these
                return reflecting  the true income level  to help  the   13.  Who is from UCO bank ?
                Government to carry out developmental activates.      (a)   P    (b)  G      (c)  R      (d)  A
                Assumption I: People may now start paying more        (e)   None of these
                taxes in response to the appeal.                 14.  Who is from Ghaziabad?
                II: The total income tax collection may considerably      (a)   G   (b)   P   (c)   R    (d)  A
                increase in the near future.                          (e)   None of these
            9.  Statement:  The state government has decided     15.  G belongs to which of the following cities?
                to   appoint four thousand primary school teachers      (a)  Delhi  (b)  Ranchi  (c)  Noida  (d)  Kolkata
                during the next financial year.                       (e)  None of these
                Assumption I: There are enough  school in the    Direction (Qs. 16–17):  Select the odd words/
                state to accommodate four thousand primary school   letters from the given options:
                teachers.                                        16.  (a)  Cotton  (b)   Terene  (c)   Silk   (d)  Wool
                II: The eligible candidates may not be interested to
                apply as  the Government may not finally appoint   17.  (a)   Light   (b)   Wave  (c)   Heat   (d)  Sound
                such a largest number of primary school teachers.  Direction (Qs. 18-20):  Study  the following
            10.  Statement: The school authority  has decided  to   information carefully and answer the questions
                                                                 given below it.
                increase the number of students in each classroom
                to seventy from the next academic session to bridge   (i)   Eleven students, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z,
                the  gap  between income and  expenditure to a        are sitting in a row facing the teacher.
                largest extent.                                  (ii)   S, who is on the immediate left of U, is second to the
                Assumption I: The income generated  by way            right of R and third to the right of V.
                of fees of the additional  students will be sufficient   (iii)   P is second to the right of T, who is sitting at one of
                enough to bridge the gap.                             the ends.
                II. The school will get all the additional students in   (iv)   Y is the immediate neighbour of P and Q and fourth
                each class from the next academic session.            to the left of R.
            Direction (Qs. 11–15):  Study  the  following        (v)   W is on the immediate left of S and third to the right
            information carefully and  answer the question            of X.
            given below :                                        18.  Who is sitting in the middle of the row ?
            Candidates A, G , L, N, P, Q, R, S had applied for IBPS      (a)  R   (b)  X     (c)  Q      (d)  S
            exam for different banks like – BOB, BOI, DENA, OBC,   19.  Which of the following groups of friends is sitting to
            IB, CB, UCO and UBI. (not necessarily in the same order).   the right of V ?
            They  are 5 male  and  3 female  members  in  the  group.      (a)  XQYP         (b)  XRWSU
            Each had applied from their own cities like Jaipur, Delhi,   (c)  RWSU           (d)  RWST
            Noida, Kanpur, Ranchi, Patna, Kolkata and Ghaziabad    20.  Which of the following statements is true in context
            (not necessarily in the same order). No male has applied   of the above sitting arrangements ?
            from Ranchi or Kanpur.                                    (a)   There are three students sitting between S and
            P has applied for IB from Ghaziabad. The one who applied      V.
            for CB is neither from Noida nor from Kanpur. G has       (b)  V and R are neighbours sitting on the immediate
            applied for OBC., his sister L has applied for Dena Bank      right of W.
            from jaipur. The one who belongs to Delhi is applied for      (c)   Q is sitting between Y and X.
            BOB. The one who applied from Noida is not a female.      (d)  Z is sitting between P and Y.
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