Page 427 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 427

Speed Test                                                                                       ST - 17
                              Speed Test-6                       10.  (d)        11.  (c)    12. (a)     13. (b)

            1.  (c)         2.   (c)    3.  (d)    4.  (b)       14.  (d)
            5.  (d)                                              15.  (d)  Rest are containers.
            6.   (d)  From I : S is one of the brothers of P.                      Speed Test-7
                    But P's gender is unknown.                   1.  (d)  Argument : I does not tell about the bad aspect
                    From II : K is the sister of M and the aunt of S.     of corporal punishment and why banning is

                    From III : L is the only sister of P.                 necessary. Hence I is not strong.
                    P's gender is unknown.                                Argument: II  is  also not strong because the
                    From I and II : P is either the niece or nephew of    argument  is obsessed with an inappropriate
                    K.                                                    assumption that scare of corporal punishment
                    Since p's  gender is  not known, therefore,  we       leads a child to studies.
                    can't find the exact relationship.           2.  (d)  Both I and II are strong. I is strong because it
                    Thus, both I and II together are not sufficient.      is not necessary that all the rickshawpullers
                                                                          and prisoners have unsuitable bloods. Hence, I
                    From II and III : we can not find the relationship    stresses on the importance of blood donation.
                    between K and P.                                      Whereas II is strong because banning  those
                    Thus II and III together are not sufficient.          persons from donation  of blood is a good
                    From I and III : Nothing is known about K Thus,       precautionary step.
                    we can't find any relationship between P and K.  3.  (d)  I is strong because today privatisation is known
                    Thus I and III together are not sufficient.           as a panacea. II is also strong because if there is
                    From I, II and III : Since P's gender is not know,    a lack of dedication on the part of policy-makers
                                                                          as well as people’s  participation,  how can  the
                    it is not possible to find the exact relationship     city’s crumbling civic services be cured merely
                    between P and K.                                      by transferring it to private hands ?
                    Thus, all I,  II  and  III  even together are not   4.  (b)  The advantage shown in argument I is unlikely
                    sufficient.                                           to be true and is far-fetched. But II is strong
            7.  (a)   From I : A > C > D                                  because we should not ignore our tradition.
                    From II : E > B >                            5.  (b)  I is an absurd argument. Hence it is weak. II is a
                    From I and II : E > B > A > C > D                     strong argument because it goes into the reason
                    Thus, D is the lightest.                              behind the pension schemes. And how the move
                    Thus, only I and II together are sufficient.          will badly affect the employee’s life.
                    From II and III : Nothing is said about C and   6.  (a)  From A : B = 2S;
                                                                          From B : B – 1 = 3/2 S;
                    D thus, we can't say exactly who is the lightest.        From C : (S – I)4 = B
                    From I and III : A > C > D                            Where B = no. of brothers; S = no. of sisters we
                    Nothing is said about B and E.                        have three different equations. Hence any two
                    Thus, we can't say exactly who is the lightest        of them will be sufficient. Obviously, any one of
                    Thus, both I and III together are not sufficient      them is redundant.
            8.  (a)         9.  (b)                              7.  (d)  we cannot say, as we don’t know the time of the
            Solution for 10–14 :                                          day.
                                                                 8.  (d)       9.  (d)     10.  (a)   11.  (d)
                     Person Bank          City                   12. (c)
                     A        Canara      Kanpur                 13. (b)  Conversion  of (a) + (b) = Conclusions
                     B        Vijaya      Jaipur                          III  [Because, I + A = I]. Statements (b) +
                     C        Dena        Delhi                           conversion of (c) = Conclusions II [Because, A
                     D        Syndicate   Pilibhit                        + E = E]. Some scooters are cars (Conclusions
                     E        Central     Lucknow                         III) + conversion of (c) = Some scooters are not
                                                                          jeeps [Because, I + E = O]. Hence I does not
                     F        UCO         Agra                            follow.
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