Page 424 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 424
ST - 14 Speed Test
SPEED TEST - 8 Time : 10 Minutes
Total Qs.
: 10
Max. Marks : 10
Direction (Qs. 1-4): Study the following information 4. Vinay appeared for the test at the centre?
carefully and answer the questions following it. (a) Kolkata (b) Patna
Vinay, Shailesh, Rita and Alka are four students
of different classroom coaching centres of BSC, a (c) Delhi (d) AP
leading classroom coaching centre for PO aspirants. Direction (Qs. 5-9): Read the following Information
Each belongs to a different state, ie AP, MP, Bihar and answer the questions given below it.
and Orissa, but not necessarily in the same order. (i) A man has six sons A, B, C. D, E and F, who stay in
When BSC arranged an all-India Mock Test series the four metros.
for all the classroom coaching centre students of (ii) They are Cricketer, Salesman, Diplomat, Pilot,
BSC in four cities Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Accountant and Driver.
Chennai, the students Vinay, Shailesh, Rita and
Alka appeared for Test series in different cities. (iii) Three of the children are married.
When the results were declared they got 1st to 4th (iv) D, who stays in Mumbai, is a Diplomat.
positions in all-India ranking. They are students (v) Those staying in Calcutta are the Pilot and the
of different centres of BSC, ie Lucknow, Rourkela, Accountant.
Patna and Delhi but not necessarily in same order. (vi) One of the two Mumbaiites is married while two of
I. Vinay and Shailesh neither studied at the Lucknow the bachelors live in Calcutta and Delhi.
centre nor at Rourkela. They appeared for test neither
at Kolkata nor at Mumbai. They belong neither to (vii) The Salesman lives in Chennai.
Orissa nor to MP. (viii) E, the Accountant, is married
II. The one who studied at the Patna centre does not (ix) F lives in Mumbai and A in Delhi.
belong to Bihar. The one who belongs to MP is (x) B is a Pilot and pilots don’t marry.
not Alka. The one who studied at Rourkela did not 5. Who among the following is a salesman ?
appear for the test at the Kolkata centre.
III. The one who studied at the Delhi classroom coaching (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
centre got the 4th position in all-India ranking. But he 6. If the Cricketer is a bachelor, who is the Driver ?
is not Shailesh. The one who appeared at Chennai (a) A (b) E
for the test got the 1 st position. The one who belongs (c) D d. Not clear
to MP got third position; while the one who studied 7. Who among the following is definitely not married ?
at the Lucknow centre got the 2nd position in the all-
India ranking. (a) E (b) D (c) C (d) B
Now answer the following questions. 8. Where does C live ?
1. The one who got the first position in the all-India (a) Delhi (b) Kolkata
ranking is associated with which classroom coaching (c) Mumbai (d) Cennai
centre? 9. Bone is related to osteopath in the same way as skin
(a) Patna (b) Delhi is related to?
(c) Lucknow (d) Rourkela (a) Chiropodist (b) Anaesthetist
2. Alka belongs to which city? (c) Paediatrician (d) Dermatologist
(a) Orissa (b) Patna 10. Which of the following will be the 14th to the right of
(c) AP (d) MP 6th to the left of 19th character from the left ?
3. Who got the 2nd position in the all-India ranking? A B H I 3 N V T K P S M 4 R L Z X 9 Q U C 7 E D G
(a) Vinay (b) Rita F 5 J
(c) Alka (d) Shailesh (a) B (b) M (c) U (d) 5