Page 49 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 49
Matrix Arrangement 45
1. ConCept AppliCAtor
Directions (Qs. 1-5): Study the following girls among the seven students who study in each of
information carefully to answer these questions. the three institutes. Two of the seven students study
BANK OF BARODA PO BCA, two study medicine and one each studies Aviation
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members of a sports club and Technology, Journalism and MBA. R studies in the same
have liking for different games, viz Carrom, Table Tennis, college as P, who studies MBA in college B. No girl studies
Badminton, Bridge, Hockey, Football and Lawn Tennis Journalism or MBA. T studies BCA in college A and his
but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them brother W studies Aviation Technology in college C. S
has a liking for different musical instruments, viz Sitar, studies Journalism in the same college as Q. Neither R
Guitar, Harmonium, Flute, Tabla, Banjo and Santoor, not nor Z studies BCA. The girl who studies BCA does not
necessarily in the same order. B likes Carrom and Banjo. study in college C.
E likes to play Bridge but not Harmonium or Tabla. The 6. Which of the following pairs of students study
one who plays Hockey plays Sitar. F plays Guitar but not medicine?
Table Tennis or Lawn Tennis. A plays badminton and (a) QZ (b) WZ
Flute. The one who plays Lawn Tennis does not play
Tabla. C plays Harmonium and G plays Hockey. (c) PZ (d) SZ
1. Who plays Santoor? (e) None of these
(a) D (b) A 7. In which college does Q study?
(c) E (d) D or E (a) A (b) B
(e) None of these (c) C (d) data inadequate
2. D plays which game? (e) None of these
(a) Table Tennis (b) Lawn Tennis 8. In which of the colleges do three of them study?
(c) Football (d) Cannot be determined (a) A (b) B
(e) None of these (c) A and B (d) C
3. Which of the following combinations of game- (e) None of these
person-musical instrument is definitely correct? 9. What is the field of study of Z?
(a) Badminton-B-Flute (a) Aviation Technology
(b) Table Tennis-E-Santoor (b) BCA
(c) Lawn Tennis-D-Tabla (c) MBA
(d) Table Tennis-C-Tabla (d) Medicine
(e) None of these (e) None of these
4. Who plays Football? 10. Which of the following three represents girls?
(a) C (b) D (a) SQR (b) QRZ
(c) G (d) F (c) SQZ (d) Data inadequate
(e) None of these (e) None of these
5. Who plays Table Tennis? Directions (Qs. 11–15): Study the following
(a) C (b) F information carefully and answer the given
(c) D (d) Cannot be determined questions. [NABARD BANK OFFICER]
(e) None of these A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven friends studying seven
Directions (Qs. 6–10): Study the following different branches of engineering, namely Mechanical,
information carefully and answer these questions. Chemical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Computer and
[BANK OF BARODA AO] Aeronautical Engineering, not necessarily in this order.
P, Q, R, S, T, W and Z are seven students studying in Each of them studies in three different colleges, X, Y
three different institutes – A, B and C. There are three and Z. Not less than two study in any college. D studies