Page 54 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 54
50 Matrix Arrangement
(b) Swift D’Zire 26. In which of the following cars is C travelling?
(c) Ford Ikon (a) X (b) Y
(d) Either Swift D’Zire or Ford Ikon (c) Z (d) Either X or Y
(e) None of these (e) Data inadequate
19. In which car are four members travelling? 27. Which of the following cars is carrying people to
(a) None (b) Honda City Chandigarh?
(c) Swift D’Zire (d) Ford Ikon (a) Y (b) X
(e) Either Honda City or Ford Ikon (c) Either X or Y (d) Data inadequate
20. Which of the following combinations represents the (e) None of these
three female members? Directions (Qs. 28–35): Study the following
(a) QSZ (b) WSZ information carefully to answer the given questions.
(c) PSZ (d) Cannot be determined [IBPS CWE PO/MT]
(e) None of these Eight persons from different banks, viz UCO Bank,
21. Who is travelling with W? Syndicate Bank, Canara Bank, PNB, Dena Bank,
(a) Only Q (b) Only P Oriental Bank of Commerce, Indian Bank and Bank of
(c) Both P and Q (d) Cannot be determined Maharashtra, are sitting in two parallel rows containing
(e) None of these four people each, in such a way that there is an equal
22. Members of which of the following combinations are distance between adjacent persons. In row 1 A, B, C and
travelling in Honda City? D are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2 P,
(a) PRS (b) PQW Q, R and S are seated and all of them are facing north.
(c) PWS (d) Data inadequate Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member
seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
(e) None of these
(All the information given above does not necessarily
Directions (Qs. 23–27): Study the following represent the order of seating as in the final arrangement.)
information carefully and answer the questions • C sits second to right of the person from Bank
given below. [IBPS CWE SO] of Maharashtra. R is an immediate neighbour of
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight friends travelling in the person who faces the person from Bank of
three different cars, viz, X, Y and Z, with at least two in Maharashtra
one car to three different places, viz, Delhi, Chandigarh • Only one person sits between R and the person from
and Agra. There is at least one female member in each PNB. The immediate neighbour of the person from
car. D is travelling with G to Delhi but not in car Y. A is PNB faces the person from Canara Bank.
travelling with only H in car Z but not to Chandigarh. C • The person from UCO bank faces the person from
is not travelling with either D or E. F and D are studying Oriental Bank of Commerce. R is not from Oriental
in the same only girls’ college. H, B and G are studying in Bank of Commerce. P is not from PNB. P does not
the same only boys’ college. face the person from Bank of Maharashtra
23. Which of the following represents the group of • Q faces the person from Dena Bank. The one who
females? faces S sits to the immediate left of A.
(a) F, C , A (b) F, G, A • B does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line.
(c) D, C, A (d) data inadequate The person from Bank of Maharashtra does not face
(e) None of these the person from Syndicate Bank.
24. Which of the following combinations is correct? 28. Which of the following is true regarding A?
(a) Delhi – X – C (b) Chandigarh – X – F (a) The person from UCO Bank faces A.
(c) Agra – Z – E (d) Delhi – Y – E (b) The person from Bank of Maharashtra is an
(e) None of these immediate neighbour of A.
25. Which of the following cars is carrying four people? (c) A faces the person who sits second to the right
(a) Either X or Z (b) Y of R.
(c) Either X or Y (d) Z (d) A is from Oriental Bank of Commerce
(e) None of these (e) A sits at one of the extreme ends of the line.