Page 57 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 57
Matrix Arrangement 53
(d) Prof. Banik - HRM, Prof. Fotedar – Psychology, III. The person living in Red house earns more
Prof. Eswar – Development studies, Prof. than that of person living in Blue
Chaudhuri – Trade Policy, Prof. Acharya – IV. Salary of Som is more than that of Paul but
Finance lesser than that of Krishna
17. If Prof. Acharya gets HRM and Prof. Chaudhury gets V. One of the person earns ` 80, 000
Finance, then which of the following is not a correct VI. The person earning ` 110,000 is not Laxman
faculty-assignment combination assuming all faculty VII. The salary difference between Laxman and
preferences are considered? Son is ` 30,000
(a) Prof. Das – Development Studies, Prof. Banik – VIII. The House in which Krishna lives is located
Trade Policy between houses with persons earning salaries
(b) Prof. Fotedar – Development Studies, Prof. of ` 30,000 and ` 50,000
Banik – Trade Policy IX. Krishna does not live in Yellow house, and the
(c) Prof. Banik – Development Studies, Prof. Eswar person living in yellow house is not earning
– Trade Policy lowest salary among the four persons.
(d) Prof. Banik – Development Studies, Prof. Das – 18. Who lives in Red house?
Trade Policy (a) Paul (b) Krishna
Directions for questions 18 – 20: (c) Laxman (d) Som
Four houses Blue, Green, Red and Yellow are located in 19. Which house is occupied by person earning highest
a row in the given order. Each of the houses is occupied salary?
by a person earning a fixed amount of a salary. The four (a) Blue (b) Green
persons are Paul, Krishna, Laxman, and Som. (c) Red (d) Yellow
Read the following instruction carefully: 20. What is the salary earned by person living in Green
I. Paul lives between Som and Krishna house?
II. Laxman does not stay in Blue house (a) ` 30,000 (b) ` 50,000
(c) ` 80,000 (d) ` 110, 000