Page 59 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 59
Matrix Arrangement 55
3. (a) is the right answer Employee Department Sport
4. (e) is the right answer F Pers Volleyball
5. (d) is the right answer G Mktg LT
Solution for 6 – 10: H Mktg Badminton
Student Standard Subject 11. (c) is the right answer
P V Geography 12. (b) is the right answer
Q VII History 13. (e) is the right answer
R VI English 14. (a) is the right answer
S IV Maths 15. (d) is the right answer
T VIII Hindi
V X Science Solution for 16 – 20:
W IX Sanskrit Student Std Subject
A VII Marathi
6. (b) is the right answer
B VI Geography
7. (a) is the right answer
C VI Economics
8. (c) is the right answer
D VIII Chemistry
9. (e) is the right answer; V E VII Biology
10. (d) is the right answer F VI Physics
Solution for 11 – 15: G VII Maths
H VIII English
Employee Department Sport
A Pers TT 16. (a) is the right answer
B Admin Football 17. (e) is the right answer; Maths
C Admin Hockey 18. (a) is the right answer
D Admin Basketball 19. (e) is the right answer
E Mktg Cricket 20. (c) is the right answer
Concept Cracker
Solution for 1 – 7: 6. (d) is the right answer
Friend College Subject 7. (b) is the right answer
A Y Fashion Solution for 8 – 12:
B Y Acting Friend Bank Occupation
C Y Architecture A S Forex
D Z Teaching B M Agriculture
E X Medicine C N Economist
F Z Engineering D L TO
G X Business E R IT
1. (e) is the right answer F Q Clerk
2. (c) is the right answer G P Research
3. (a) is the right answer 8. (b) is the right answer
4. (a) is the right answer 9. (c) is the right answer
5. (d) is the right answer 10. (a) is the right answer