Page 53 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 53

Matrix Arrangement                                                                                  49
            Directions (Qs. 8 – 12): Read the following passage   on Sunday. Chemistry is taught on Thursday. English is
            carefully and answer the questions given below it.   taught the day immediately next to the day when Zoology
                                         [PUNJAB SIND BANK]      is  taught. English is  taught neither on Tuesday nor on
            A group of seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G, work   Saturday. Only one lecture is held between Chemistry
            as Economist,  Agriculture Officer, IT Officer, Terminal   and Botany. Two lectures are scheduled between Maths
            Operator, Clerk, Forex Officer and Research Analyst, for   and Zoology. Statistics is taught neither on Monday nor
            Banks. L, M, N, P, Q, R and S, but not necessarily in the   on Sunday.
            same order. C works for Bank N and is neither a Research   13.  On which of the following days is Physics taught?
            Analyst nor a Clerk. E is an IT Officer and works for Bank      (a)  Monday      (b)  Tuesday
            R. A works as Forex Officer and does not work for Bank      (c)  Wednesday       (d)  Thursday
            L or Q. The  one  who is an  Agriculture Officer works      (e)  Friday
            for Bank M. The one who works for Bank L works as a   14.  How many subjects are taught between Botany and
            Terminal Operator. F works for Bank Q. G works for Bank   Zoology?
            P as a Research Analyst. D is not an Agriculture Officer.
                                                                      (a)  None              (b)  One
            8.  Who amongst the following works as an Agriculture      (c)  Two              (d)  Three
                Officer?                                              (e)  Four
                (a)  C                 (b)  B                    15.  Which of the following subjects is taught on Saturday?
                (c)  F                 (d)  D                         (a)  Botany            (b)  Statistics
                (e)  None of these                                    (c)  Zoology           (d)  Maths
            9.  What is the profession of C?                          (e)  Physics
                (a)  Terminal Operator  (b)  Agriculture Officer  16.  On which of the following days Statistics is taught?
                (c)  Economist         (d)  Cannot be determined      (a)  Tuesday           (b)  Wednesday
                (e)  None of these                                    (c)  Thursday          (d)  Friday
            10.  For which Bank does B work?                          (e)  Cannot be determined
                (a)  M                 (b)  S                    17.  If statistics  is related  to Zoology and Physics is
                (c)  L                 (d)  Either M or S             related to Botany in a certain way, then which of the
                (e)  None of these                                    following would Chemistry be related to, following
                                                                      the same pattern?
            11.  What is the profession of the person who works for
                Bank S?                                               (a)  Maths             (b)  Statistics
                (a)  Clerk             (b)  Agriculture Officer       (c)  Physics           (d)  English
                (c)  Terminal Operator  (d)  Forex Officer            (e)  Cannot be determined
                (e)  None of these                               Directions (Qs. 18–22):  Study  the  following
                                                                 information carefully and answer the questions
            12.  Which of the following combinations of person,   given below.
                profession and the bank is correct?
                (a)  A – Forex Officer – M                       P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Z are going to three destinations
                (b)  D – Clerk – L                               Delhi, Chennai and Hyderabad in three different vehicles
                (c)  F – Agriculture Officer – Q                 – Honda City, Swift D’Zire and Ford Ikon. There are three
                                                                 females among them – one in each car. There are at least
                (d)  B – Agriculture Officer – S                 two persons in each car.   R is not travelling with Q and
                (e)  None of these                               W. T, a male is travelling with only Z and they are not
            Directions (Qs. 13–17):  Study  the  following       going  to Chennai.  P is travelling  in Honda  City and  is
            information carefully and answer the given ques      going to Hyderabad. S is the sister of P and is travelling by
                                        [CORPORATION BANK]       Ford Ikon. V and R are travelling together. W is not going
                                                                 to Chennai.
            One of the seven subjects, viz Maths, Zoology, Botany,   18.  Members of which of the following cars are going to
            Chemistry,  Physics,  English and Statistics,  is taught on   Chennai?
            one day in a week starting from Monday and ending         (a)  Honda City
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