Page 89 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 89

Blood Relation                                                                                      85
            person of the tribe has to obey the norms. They are rigid      (c)  can have his uncler from any class
            about this.                                               (d)  can havea divorced son in class B
            As far as marriage is concerned, the following norms are      (e)  can have a daughter –in-law born in class A
            to be following.                                     Directions (Qs. 11-13):  Study  the following
            (a)   The people of  class  A cannot marry  any other   information carefully and answer the questions
                member of their own class, through they can marry   given below it.
                members of class B.                              Seven members of a family, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V. Each of
            (b)   After being married each male member ceases to be   them has taken different sports as profession – Cricketer,
                a member of that class in which he was born but   Base ball player, Archer, Lawn tennis player, Swimmer,
                automatically, he becomes the member of the other   Table Tennis player  and Badminton  player. There are
                class to which his wife belongs.                 three couples in the family, one in first and other two in
            (c)   As far as females are concerned, they remain  the   second generations.
                members of their own class after being married.   -     The Table tennis player married to V, whose father is
            (d)   On his birth, the child automatically becomes the   the Cricketer.
                member of his mother’s class.                    -      The Tennis Player is the nephew of R, who is the
            (e)   When  any male member becomes widower or            daughter of Archery player.
                divorcee then he again belongs to the group in which   -   The Archery player U, is Q’s parental Grandmother.
                he was born.                                     -    P and Q are of the same Gender
            (F)   Nobody can marry more than one person according   -     S, the brother –in-law of the base ball player, is
                to social laws.                                       married to Badminton Player.
            9.  Any class B female can have                      11.  What which game S is associated with?
                I)   Grandfather born in class A                      (a)  Cricket           (b)  Badminton
                II)  Grandmother born in class A                      (c)  Swimming          (d)  cannot be determine
                (a)  only I can be true                               (e)  None of these
                (b)  only II can be true                         12.  How is R related to S?
                (c)  either I or II can be true                       (a)  Sister-in-law     (b)  wife
                (d)  neither I or II can be true                      (c)  Mother            (d)  cannot be determine
                (e)  both I and II can be true                        (e)  None of these
            10.  One boy , who was born in class B (boy and his wife   13.  How is S related to V?
                both can have married and unmarried brother)          (a)  Sister-in-law     (b)  wife
                (a)  can have his daughter in class B                 (c)  Mother            (d)  cannot be determine
                (b)  can have a son –in-law in class A
                                                                      (e)  None of these
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