Page 94 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 94

90                                                                                           Input Output
            8.  Input: power fail now 52 24 75 gate 34           13.  Input: any how 49 24 far wide 34 69
                Which of the following will be step the last but one?     Which of the following steps will be the last but one?
                (a)  IV                (b)  V                         (a)  VI                (b)  VII
                (c)  VI                (d)  VII                       (c)  VIII              (d)  V
                (e)  None of these                                    (e)  None of these
            9.  Step III of an input is: 91 car 85 14 27 few new house  14.  Step II of an input is: town 74 pair 15 31 nice job 42
                Which of the following is definitely the input?       Which of the following is definitely the input?
                (a)  85 14 91 car 27 few new house                    (a)  Pair 15 31 town nice job 42 14
                (b)  Car 91 85 14 27 few new house                    (b)  Pair 15 town 31 74 nice job 42
                (c)  Car 85 14 27 few new house 91                    (c)  Pair 15 town 74 31nice job 42
                (d)  Cannot be determined                             (d)  Cannot be determined
                (e)  None of these                                    (e)  None of these
            10.  Step II of an input is: 75 down 16 24 farm eager 62
                sky                                              15.  Input: play over 49 37 12 match now 81
                  How many more steps will be required to complete      Which of the following will be step IV?
                the rearrangement?                                    (a)  play 81 over 49 37 match now
                (a)  Four              (b)  Five                      (b)  play 81 over 49 37 12 now
                (c)  Six               (d)  Seven                     (c)  play 81 over 49 now 37 match 12
                (e)  None of these                                    (d)  There will be no such step
            11.  Input: 14 35 when they came 61 48 home               (e)  None of these
                  How many steps will be required to complete the    16.  Step II of an input is: war 58 box cart 33 49 star 24
                rearrangement?                                        Which of the following steps will be the last?
                (a)  Four              (b)  Five                      (a)  V                 (b)  VI
                (c)  Six               (d)  Seven                     (c)  IV                (d)  VII
                (e)  None of these                                    (e)  None of these
            Directions (Qs. 12-17): A word and number            17.  Input: shower fall water 34 51 67 98 goal
            arrangement  machine  when given  an input line
            of words and numbers rearrange  them following              How many  step will be required to complete  the
            a particular rule in each step. The following is an       rearrangement?
            illustration of input and rearrangement.                  (a)  Three             (b)  Four
            Input    : but 32 71 glory fair south 65 84               (c)  Six               (d)  Five
            Step I    : south but 32 71 glory fair 65 84              (e)  None of these
            Step II    : south 84 but 32 71 glory fair 65        Directions (Qs. 18-24): A word and number
            Step III   : south 84 glory but 32 71 fair 65        arrangement  machine  when given  an input line
            Step IV  : south 84 glory 71 but 32 fair 65          of words and numbers rearrange  them following
                                                                 a particular rule in each step. The following is an
            Step V   : south 84 glory 71 fair but 32 65          illustration of input and rearrangement.
            Step VI  : south 84 glory 71 fair 65 but 32          Input    : joy far  35  27    16  96  height  star
            and Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement.   Step I    : 96  joy   far  35   27  16  height  star
            As per the rule followed in the above steps, find out in
            each of the following questions the appropriate step for   Step II    : 96  far   joy  35   27  16  height  star
            the given input.               [RBI Grade B Officer]  Step III   : 96  far   35  joy   27  16  height  star
            12.  Step  III of an  input  is: years 92 ultra  15 23 strive   Step IV  : 96  far   35   height  joy  27  16   star
                house 39                                         Step V   : 96  far   35   height  27  joy  16   star
                  How many more step will be required to complete   And Step V is the last step of the rearrangement.
                the rearrangement?
                (a)  Three             (b)  Four                 As per the rule followed in the above steps, find out in
                (c)  Five              (d)  Six                  each of the following questions the appropriate step for
                                                                 the given input.
                                                                                              [Corporation Bank (PO)]
                (e)  None of these
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