Page 90 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 90
86 Blood Relation
Answer with Solution
Concept Applicator
1. (e) Sunita is Mother – in –law 11. (d)
2. (e) N is Uncle of M 12. (e) the boy is brother of Sunita
3. (d) either Madan’s daughter or Daughter of madan’s 13. (d) J may have two son one daughter or one son
daughter i.e Niece two daughter.
4. (c) either son or daughter 14. (e) brother
5. (c) either Son or daughter 15. (c) sister
6. (a) maternal Uncle 16. (d) it may be Nidhi or her sister or cousin
7. (d) D ‘s gender is not known 17. (b) Nephew
8. (b) sister 18. (d) Uncle
9. (a) wife. 19. (d) father-in-law
10. (b) Nephew 20. (e) maternal uncle
Concept Builder
1. (c) Cousin 11. (d) cousin
2. (b) Cousin 12. (a) brother –in-law
3. (a) Grandson 13. (b)
4. (c) Sister –in-law 14. (d) Aunt
5. (a) uncle 15. (a) brother –in –law
6. (b) Mother 16. (e) 9
7. (c) Brother 17. (c) mother
8. (a) Nephew 18. (b) Great Grand Daughter
9. (b) Sister-in-law 19. (e) kalyani is mother of ashok
10. (c) mother –in –law 20. (e) B is the wife of A
Concept Cracker
1. (d) as we don’t know the gender of L. Solution for 11 – 15.
2. (a) only option a says that S is mother of T. Lawyer
3. (b) Brother
4. (c) H as be the father of K than definitely N should
be the mother.
Doctor Mukesh (teacher) Rakesh (teacher)
5. (a) Son –in-law
6. (e) as M is wife of G
Mrs. Reena (lawyer)
7. (e)
8. (e)
9. (e) T is Grand father
10. (b) S is Great Grandmother of N
11. (a) 12. (c), 13. (b), 14. (d), 15. (d)