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News update
Here is a selection of write-ups from trips, visits and activities enjoyed by the boys during the term.
In May, a number of future world leaders fromYear 7 visited the Houses of Parliament. Their mission was simple:  nd out how the Government works and how laws are made. They toured both Houses and role-played
a debate, complete with Speakers, Ministers and Leaders of the Opposition.As our guide said,“the future is safe with these boys”.
Pen Pals
3L and Purple class became Pen Pals in
the summer term.They exchanged letters introducing themselves and talking about their lives at Dulwich Prep London. 3L were invited to meet their Pen Pals in EarlyYears and read to them their favourite books. Afterwards the boys were then lucky enough to be shown around the amazing playground and pirate ship.
Pre-Prep Poetry Week
In a week suffused with poetry and books
the boys  rst explored the role that rhythm plays in poetry, which tied in nicely with the visiting poet, James Carter, who led a day of imaginative and productive poetry workshops. During our Book Swap, the boys thoroughly enjoyed changing their book donations from home for new and exciting stories.The week culminated in a colourful dress-up day and
an outstanding performance by Philip Grieve. Mr Grieve taught the English Department and is also a renowned spoken word poet. 160 boys  nished the week as poets, and I bet they didn’t even know it...
Celebration 2018
Celebration 2018 was the name we gave
to the Open Morning for Pre-Prep, Lower School and the Middle and Upper School. The day began with Prize Giving for the older boys in front of an audience of at least 900 boys, parents and guests shoe-horned into the Spor t Halls. Highlights included a performance from the cast of The Quirk Salvation Squad and three excellent speeches from the Head Boys.The moment the formal event  nished we held the Middle and Upper SchoolTribe singing competition.The theme was summer songs, and the whole site rang out to Mr Blue Sky, Lovely Day, The Bay Watch Theme and I Can See Clearly Now as the boys and staff belted out their chosen songs. From there we moved to a variety of displays by
boys ranging from LED Lightsaber fencing
to a reprise of theYear 2 Opera and a couple of  ash mobs! Some parents then found time to pop in to their sons’ classrooms to see some work before the fabulous
Big Band brought the morning to a close.
In Years 1 and 2 the boys received a range of awards for displaying School Values and Excellent Learning qualities. For the Lower School Celebration, the boys were asked for a highlight of their year and their aspirations for the future. Highlights ranged from goat- feeding on a residential trip to gaining a pen licence, while future aspirations included being a YouTuber, a vet and, of course, we have enough professional footballers for our own team!
Archie and Thomas go back to the Pre-Prep
Rafferty, Tommy & Rocco at the Book Swap

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