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Surrey Docks Farm Visit
The farm came to visit the EarlyYears
in the April. Farmer Claire brought along Kiara the Shetland pony, two sheep,
some very patient chickens, a worried rabbit and two guinea pigs.The children really enjoyed interacting with the animals and learning about their eating habits, and each class gathered amazing photographs, facts, lovely memories and plenty to talk about back in class.
Smile Please!
The only time the entire school community meets in one place is the biennial (every
two years) whole school photo.To cries
of “Your hair looks  ne”, “Hands down”, “Please don’t turn around”,“Leave your neighbour alone”, and the classic “Say cheese” nearly 1,000 people are carefully placed and cajoled into looking at the camera at the same time. Easy!
To Game or Not to Game?
Actually - it turned out that wasn’t
the question. If the online safety lectures from Karl Hopwood taught us anything as parents and teachers, it was the importance of moderation not con scation.We need
to educate our children about the physical and mental implications of a ‘life in likes’ and remind them that their online persona should mirror who they are of ine.They need to use courage, kindness and honesty to guide their online activities.
Frogspawn to Frogs
The Early Years drum was  lled with frogspawn, then tadpoles then tiny frogs! Our children have learned how the eggs are coated in jelly to stop  sh from eating them; how they have the biggest tails when they  rst become tadpoles; and how they need to climb on to land once they become frogs.
Your hair looks fine
Pupil andTeacher Exchange
Last term included the ‘home leg’ of our Pupil and Teacher Exchange with Bishop’s in CapeTown.
The 12 boys spent time with us in school where they made a real impact on the classes they joined with their enthusiasm and willingness to get involved.Their hosts were also full of praise for the way the South African boys coped with being away from home and integrated into their families.
If truth be told, however, it is probably the amazing programme of visits and excursions that will remain with our visitors now
that they are back at home.Apart from a variety of football matches, theatre trips
and the like arranged by their enormously generous hosts, they had the privilege of
a guided behind-the-scenes tour of the Palace of Westminster and the Houses of Parliament, they took in the exhibition on ‘Superbugs’ at the Science Museum and enjoyed a performance of The Lion King at Covent Garden’s Lyceum Theatre.They also enjoyed a river cruise on the Thames, visited Monument, Borough Market, Shakespeare’s Globe and the Millennium Bridge.
Please don’t turn around

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