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Pedal Push
We raised an incredible £3,573 for the NSPCC with our Early Years Pedal Push!
In May all the children in Nursery and Reception classes had a wonderful time cycling, scooting and pushing prams around the playground track. A huge thank you to Maureen who fundraises for the NSPCC, to all the parents who have supported
this great charity and to Miss Groom for organising the event.
Year 4Trip to Chessington Zoo
Year 4 headed off to Chessington Zoo in May as par t of their ‘Rainforests’ and ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ topics.The boys had the opportunity to discover more about a variety of different African animals and habitats as they took a guided walk through Wanyama Village. The sun shone all day, the boys were brilliantly behaved and great fun was had by all.
Middle School Book Week
The theme this year was ‘Old Stories for Young Readers’ and the highlight of the week was probably the high-octane visit of Maz Evans – best-selling author of the hilarious Who Let the Gods Out? series. Other excitements included professional Shakespeare workshops for Year 6, a Tall Tale writing competition for Year 5 and the ever-popular dress-up day.The costumes this year, with a theme of Shakespeare, Mythology or Fairy Tales and Folklore, were especially magni cent!
The London Wetland Centre
All ofYear 2 enjoyed glorious weather as they explored the natural habitats at The London Wetland Centre.The boys took part in pond dipping and identi ed an array of creatures using their observation skills, before bird spotting and spending time at the otter enclosure.The day was topped off with a visit to the interactive adventure playground.
Year 3 Ocean Day
The Year 3 boys enjoyed a ‘Wow’ day to
nish off their ‘Under the Sea’ humanities topic. Activities included snorkelling and
diving for objects in the pool, time in the cookery suite making shark cupcakes, and a lesson creating an origami dolphin.The boys engaged enthusiastically throughout this hugely successful day.
Say cheese
Hands down
NSPCC fundraiser Maureen, Luca pushing his pedals
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