Page 18 - PONY Think Write Teachers Guide Module 1.
P. 18
Module 1: Learning the Cognitive Framework Teacher’s Guide
Trace over the lines and have a go below.
Objective: Writing Georgia the Shetland Pony’s starting shape
Children in Reception can now begin to learn how to write Georgia the Shetland Pony letters. Introduce this whilst continuing to introduce the other animal categories in this teacher guide.
Lesson Plan:
Print off page 89 in the Activities Manual. or IWB223. In small groups or with a full class
1. “Let’s learn to formGeorgia the Shetland Pony’s starting shape.”
2. “Place your pencil on Georgia the Shetland Pony’s head, sitting on the grass line.” 3. “Traceupandoverthestartingline,uptoGeorgiatheShetlandPony’’sheadonthe
helicopter line.” 4. “STOP .”
5. “Turn around and trace back around the circle to Georgia the Shetland Pony’s head on the helicopter line.”
6. “Now have a go on the other lines.”
7. “When you have finished the top line have a go at drawing Georgia the Shetland
Pony’s line on the bottom line.”
8. “Brilliant, well done everyone.” 14. “Brilliant, well done everyone.”
More to Learn:
Encourage the children to verbally talk themselves through the sequence; starting on the grass, going up and over to the helicopter line, stopping and turning around and returning to the helicopter line.
Place children in similar ability groups for their fine motor skills.
• Link together Georgia the Shetland Pony’s starting shape with the correct spatial position on the lines.
• Link to Module 3: Learning to Write.
© 2014 Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited