Page 23 - PONY Think Write Teachers Guide Module 1.
P. 23

Module 1: Learning the Cognitive Framework Teacher’s Guide
              Objective: Learning to form Rupert the White Sheep’s starting shape
 Lesson Plan:
  In small groups. Each child in the group has an introductory Write and Wipe Board and a suitable pen. Either on the carpet or at a table
1. “We have one more starting shape to learn to draw. Can you guess who
that is?”
Allow the children time to respond, “Rupert the White Sheep.”
“Yes that is right, Rupert the White Sheep. What can you remember about Rupert the White Sheep’s starting shape?” rememb
Allow the children time to answer, “short, straight line, starts on the grass, goes up to the helicopter, same height as Georgia the Shetland Pony”.
2. 3.
4. 5.
6. 7.
“Let’s look at where Rupert the White Sheep is positioned when he is standing on the grass. Remember he is shorter than Harriet the Cow but the same a height as Georgia the Shetland Pony. He starts on the grass and reaches up to the .....? Leave a pause and then. ask the children to fill in “helicopter”.
reaches up to the?’ “Rupert the Sheep’s starting shape also starts at the grass and goes up in a
straight line but stops at the helicopter before coming back down to the grass.” “Can you have a go at drawing the starting shape? Let’s do it together.
Place your pen on the grass line, up to the helicopter line, stop, come
back down the same line and stop at the grass.”
Give the children time to have a go at copying Rupert the White Sheep’s starting shape on their own Write and Wipe Board.
More to Learn:
Encourage the children to verbally talk themselves through the sequence, starting on the grass, going up to the helicopter, stopping and returning to the grass.
Place children in similar ability groups for
their fine motor skills. Those with better
fine motor skills actively have a go, others can be shown the concepts using the
resources in the remedial cognitive pack.
• Link together the cognitive understanding of Rupert the White Sheep being short, straight, and the same height as Georgia the Shetland Pony, with spatial position and motor skills.
© 2014 Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited
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