Page 27 - Module 2: Teachers Guide for Getting Ready for Writing PONY
P. 27

Module 2: Getting Ready for Writing Teacher’s Guide.
 Objective: Spatial position game - large movements
   Lesson Plan:
Reinforcing the spatial position and height of the animal characters.
Use the cloud, helicopter, grass and worm cards in the Hemispheres Think Write Cognitive Flashcards and Games Pack. Unhook the cards and remove them from the pack.
1. Place the cards around the room so they are clearly visible to the children. 2. Ask the children to stand in the centre of the room.
3. Hold up an animal card. The children then run or move towards the card that
relates to the height of the animal, for example if you hold up Harriet the Cow children would first run to the grass and then to the cloud. If you hold up Georgia the Shetland Pony the children first run to the grass and then to the helicopter.
4. Repeat this until you have covered all the animals.
Things to Consider:
1. To help increase the association between
the movement and the image of the animal you can adapt this activity by showing the children the movement but not the card.
2. To adapt this activity further when the children are ready, you can show the starting lines or a mixture of animal, movement and starting lines.
1. This activity should be used with ‘How tall
am I?’ on the previous page.
2. The physical nature of this game helps
consolidate the concept of spatial position
using the information taught in Module 1. 3. Understanding spatial position is important before moving onto copying and practising
drawing of the starting lines.
© 2016. Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited
Visual Motor Skills

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